elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

Puzzle Me This by Eli Easton

This is only a novella, and if I have to find a flaw, it felt a little rushed in the end, like the author was forced on a specific length. But aside from that, I really enjoyed it, above all for the realistic devolopment of Luke's approach to a relationship with a disabled boyfriend, Alex. At first Luke was pushed towards the relationship by his attraction, both physical than mental, for Alex: Alex is clever, cute, sexy, and the fact he is in a wheelchair doesn't seem a big issue. But when the relationship develops in something serious, Luke has to consider the logistic of living with a disabled man, what he will have and what he will give up; the fact the author didn't downplay this side of the story was the main point why I recommend this novella.

This is the second story I read by Eli Easton featuring a relationship with a disabled person, the other being the Mating of Michael, and in both stories I felt there was respect for the characters, not pity. It's likely the author is experienced with this situation or that she did a good job in her prep researches for the story.

Also, and this add to not pitying Alex, even the kink aspect of the sex life between Alex and Luke contributed in my liking the story and, yes, feeling like the author had respect for Alex, not pity.

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press; 1 edition (October 1, 2013)
Amazon Kindle: Puzzle Me This

More Reviews by Author at my website: http://www.elisarolle.com/, My Reviews

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Tags: author: eli easton, genre: contemporary, review, theme: disability

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