elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

2015 Rainbow Awards Honorable Mention: Moonstruck by Shannon West

Moonstruck by Shannon West
Gay Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Dark Hollows Press, LLC (October 27, 2014)
Amazon Kindle: Moonstruck

Special Agent in Charge Jaden Malik’s meeting with the old gray alpha was the first step in an attempt to convince him a fight by his pack against their removal by the Bureau of Lupine Affairs or the BLA would not only be futile but would lead to their utter destruction. When he’s attacked by the son of the old alpha, he takes the handsome man hostage to ensure the pack’s cooperation and then finds to his horror that the man is his mate.

Tyler Jenkins is furious at his capture and Malik’s plans to take his pack to one of the government preserves for wolf shifters. Malik is a shifter himself, and Tyler can’t understand how he can betray his own kind. Tyler’s pack has evaded capture for over thirty years, since the camps were first created, and he has no intention of being put behind bars. Despite his growing attraction to Jaden, Tyler manages a dangerous, daring escape with his pack, turning the tables on Malik by putting him in his own silver handcuffs and taking him with them.

Tyler has only one chance to save what’s growing between them. He has to make it good or risk losing his lover and his mate forever.

I really enjoyed this story, the characters were both believable and likable and the plot was exciting and held my attention. It doesn't say anywhere that this story is, or will be, a part of a series but I would be disappointed if it didn't become a series as the world Ms West created in this story is quite different to other shifter stories I've read which is refreshing.

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Tags: rainbow awards 2015

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