elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

Mia Hundvin, Camilla Andersen & Terje Haakonsen

Camilla Andersen (born 5 July 1973) is a Danish team handball player, Olympic champion and World champion. She received gold medals with the Danish national team at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta and at the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney. She is World champion from 1997, and two times European champion, from 1994 and 1996. (P: Mia Hundvin poserer på forsiden av det danske bladet Woman i juni 2003. Foto: Faksimile/Woman)

In 2000 she entered a registered partnership with Danish handball player Mia Hundvin, but the couple split three years later. Sports Illustrated ran a lengthy feature on the two, who are much-discussed celebrities in their countries.

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camilla_Andersen

Mia Terese Hundvin (born 7 March 1977 in Bergen, Norway) is one of Norway's most successful professional team handball players.

In 2000 she entered a registered partnership with Danish handball player Camilla Andersen, but the couple split three years later. Sports Illustrated ran a lengthy feature on the two, who are much-discussed celebrities in their countries. According to Sports Illustrated, Hundvin had been the lover of handball legend Camilla Andersen after they won the gold for Denmark in 1996.

Mia Hundvin is one of Norway's most successful professional team handball players. In 2000 she entered a registered partnership with Danish handball player Camilla Andersen, but the couple split three years later. According to Sports Illustrated, Hundvin had been the lover of Andersen after they won the gold for Denmark in 1996. After her split from Andersen, Hundvin moved in with Norwegian snowboarder Terje Haakonsen, the world's top snowboarder in the 1990s.

After her split from Andersen, Hundvin moved in with Norwegian snowboarder Terje Haakonsen, the world's top snowboarder in the 1990s. The couple have two children.

Hundvin played 73 matches for Norway's national handball team in addition to playing for professional clubs. She was part of national teams that won the European Women's Handball Championship in 1998, the World Women's Handball Championship in 1999, and Olympic bronze in 2000. Hundvin scored the game-winner as Norway beat South Korea, 22-21.

She became pregnant by partner Terje Haakonsen in 2003, which interrupted her playing for the Danish team Aalborg DH. In addition to her handball career, Hundvin has been training to be a photographer and works for Danish television.

In 2002 she starred in an episode in the Danish sit-com Langt fra Las Vegas. The episode is called "Mia Hundvin".

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mia_Hundvin

Further Readings:

The Book of Olympic Lists: A Treasure-Trove of 116 Years of Olympic Trivia by David Wallechinsky & Jaime Loucky
Paperback: 300 pages
Publisher: Aurum Press (July 1, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1845137736
ISBN-13: 978-1845137731
Amazon: The Book of Olympic Lists: A Treasure-Trove of 116 Years of Olympic Trivia
Amazon Kindle: The Book of Olympic Lists: A Treasure-Trove of 116 Years of Olympic Trivia

From the authors of The Complete Book of the Olympics comes an entirely new take on the Games—where else will readers find a list of the top 10 shaven-headed Olympians?

David Wallechinsky has a uniquely vast knowledge of the Olympics and an unrivaled head for trivia, and now the two are combined in this collection of 150 unexpected Olympic lists, including the eight slowest Olympic competitors, the 12 strangest sports ever contested, and the six most spectacular collisions and falls. This quirky compendium of the unusual, the unknown, and the downright bizarre is more than simply a book of lists—Wallechinsky elaborates and expands on the reason for an athlete or incident's inclusion, to create a winning, and highly addictive, alternative history of the Olympics.

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