elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

Jake Jaxson (born April 17, 1971)

"I'm Jake Jaxson - filmaker, artist, hopeless romantic & insatiable flirt, I live in New York with my two partners & our four pups - Raif, Sebastian, Bailey and Jackson - our god dog Bella and a snake named Samson."

He is the CEO & founder of CockyBoys.com

A Thing of Beauty, co-authored with RJ Sebastian, won a 2014 Rainbow Award as Best LGBT Visual Arts & Photography.

Further Readings:

A Thing of Beauty by Jake Jaxson & RJ Sebastian
Hardcover: 128 pages
Publisher: Bruno Gmunder Verlag (March 1, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 3867876622
ISBN-13: 978-3867876629
Amazon: A Thing of Beauty

'It's not just gay porn-it's CockyBoys.' This is a fresh way of creating gay porn. There are youthful, unspoiled faces and bodies shown in an offbeat way. Photographers Jake Jaxson and RJ Sebastian effectively and emotionally draw attention to the young models who appear in various alluring poses throughout the book.

More Rainbow Awards at my website: elisarolle.com, Rainbow Awards/2014

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Tags: author: jake jaxson, rainbow awards 2014

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