elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

2015 Next Generation Indie Book Awards

Days of Love has been named a Finalist in the GLBT category of the 2015 Next Generation Indie Book Awards. This achievement will be published at www.IndieBookAwards.com along with the other Finalists and Winners in the next few weeks. At the bottom of this email is a complete list of the 2015 Winner and Finalists (in alphabetical order) in this category.

The Invisible Orientation: An Introduction to Asexuality, by Julie Sondra Decker (Skyhorse Publishing/Carrel Books) (ISBN 978-1631440021)
A Boy Like Me, by Jennie Wood (Publisher: 215 Ink) (ISBN 978-0692238066)
A Song For Lost Angels: How Daddy and Papa Fought to Save Their Family, by Kevin Fisher-Paulson (Fearless Books) (ISBN 978-0988802421)
Days of Love, by Elisa Rolle (CreateSpace) (ISBN 978-1500563325)
Secrets in Small Towns, by Iza Moreau (Black Bay Books) (ISBN 978-1492177104)
The Guestbook at Asilomar, by RJ Stastny (iUniverse) (ISBN 9781491742624)

Days of Love: Celebrating LGBT History One Story at a Time by Elisa Rolle
Paperback: 760 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 edition (July 1, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1500563323
ISBN-13: 978-1500563325
CreateSpace Store: https://www.createspace.com/4910282
Amazon (Paperback): http://www.amazon.com/dp/1500563323/?tag=elimyrevandra-20
Amazon (Kindle): http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00MZG0VHY/?tag=elimyrevandra-20

Days of Love chronicles more than 700 LGBT couples throughout history, spanning 2000 years from Alexander the Great to the most recent winner of a Lambda Literary Award. Many of the contemporary couples share their stories on how they met and fell in love, as well as photos from when they married or of their families. Included are professional portraits by Robert Giard and Stathis Orphanos, paintings by John Singer Sargent and Giovanni Boldini, and photographs by Frances Benjamin Johnson, Arnold Genthe, and Carl Van Vechten among others. “It's wonderful. Laying it out chronologically is inspired, offering a solid GLBT history. I kept learning things. I love the decision to include couples broken by death. It makes clear how important love is, as well as showing what people have been through. The layout and photos look terrific.” Christopher Bram “I couldn’t resist clicking through every page. I never realized the scope of the book would cover centuries! I know that it will be hugely validating to young, newly-emerging LGBT kids and be reassured that they really can have a secure, respected place in the world as their futures unfold.” Howard Cruse “This international history-and-photo book, featuring 100s of detailed bios of some of the most forward-moving gay persons in history, is sure to be one of those bestsellers that gay folk will enjoy for years to come as reference and research that is filled with facts and fun.” Jack Fritscher

Reviews & Spotlights:
May 7, 2015. Catherine Goulet, Awards Chair, and Shelley Anderson, Awards Coordinator, www.IndieBookAwards.com:
Days of Love has been named a Finalist in the GLBT category of the 2015 Next Generation Indie Book Awards. Congratulations! Your achievement will be published at www.IndieBookAwards.com along with the other Finalists and Winners. Once again congratulations from all of us at Independent Book Publishing Professionals Group and the Next Generation Indie Book Awards.
May 1, 2015. By Ryan Field http://ryan-field.blogspot.it/2015/05/days-of-love-library-of-congress-event.html:
2014 will go down as an "interesting" year for me for many reasons. After 22 years of being with the same person and living as if we were married, Tony and I were finally allowed to legally wed last January...in Vermont, and by a Vermont Supreme Court Justice, Beth Robinson. To add to the romance of being in Montgomeryville Center, VT, we were also part of a Hollywood documentary, The State of Marriage. I've posted about all that here a few times. Also in 2014, Tony and I had several intense family health related issues we had to deal with. I rarely post things that private in public when they first happen. I usually do eventually, but in the beginning I think it's important to protect certain aspects of our private lives...all of us who are online, not just me. While Tony and I were going through all this Elisa Rolle, whom I've met in person, was e-mailing me about a book titled Days of Love that would focus on gay couples, gay marriage, and long term gay relationships. There was so much going on at the time with family I almost didn't participate. However, something told me this would be a book to remember someday. From a historical POV, this book would be something people could look back and reflect upon during the days when we were still fighting for legalized same sex marriage all over the world. So I put together everything Elisa asked for, I submitted it, and went back to dealing with life. When I saw this in my inbox today I felt a sense of gratification, and it was a surprise I hadn't expected. "Just in case any of you are in Washington on that date! This talk will encompass LOC's acquisitions of Sylvester & Orphanos Publication Archives, of Stathis's Christopher Isherwood Collection and his photographs. And Stathis told me Days of Love, which proudly display some of those photographs, will be featured as well." It's a great book that I believe will be around for a long time. And to be honored this way, in a book, for everyone who participated, as well as Elisa Rolle who put it together, it is a proud humble moment, indeed.
April 1, 2015. @LOTL, Lesbians on the Loose http://www.lotl.com/Culture/Days-Of-Love-Wins-At-The-3rd-Annual-Beverly-Hills-International-Book-Awards-407/:
‘Days Of Love’ Wins At The 3rd Annual Beverly Hills International Book Awards. Elisa Rolle wins award for her non-fiction book celebrating LGBT history. Elisa Rolle, with her book ‘Days Of Love: Celebrating LGBT History One Story At A Time’, has been named the Winner of the LGBT Non-Fiction category in the 3rd Annual Beverly Hills International Book Awards. Featured on LOTL before, this book chronicles 2000 years of same-sex love stories. Days of Love makes inspiring reading and lays to rest the myth that LGBT couples are not capable of sustaining life-long relationships. Packed full of beautiful photos and illustrations, it lovingly features the personal stories of 700 LGBT couples from the dawn of history to the present day. Many of the contemporary couples share their stories on how they met and fell in love, as well as photos from when they married or of the families they have started together. Days of Love is also a great source of LGBT trivia and stories that have all-too-often been written out of history. For example, did you know that Sir Isaac Newton, who laid the foundation for modern physics, may have had a relationship with a Swiss mathematician, Nicolas Fatio de Duillier? That the British author of 2001: A Space Odyssey Arthur C. Clarke had a 13-year partnership with a male Sri Lankan teenager, and they are buried together? This is only a fraction of the fascinating facts that you can discover. What comes across is an alternative cultural history of LGBT people. As we celebrate growing social acceptability and the increasing introduction same-sex marriage, we are reminded that many people past and present paved the way for our civil rights, not the least of which is the right to love whoever we want. Elisa Rolle explains in the introduction to Days of Love why she decided to compile this book. "I have always liked love stories, and to me, even if you only spent one day in blissful happiness, then it was a love story. I see the following pages like a family photo album, the enlarged LGBT family sharing their memories: you will read about couples who managed to stay together for more than 70 years, but also those who were able to have only some days of happiness." A successful, multi-lingual career woman, Elisa Rolle’s job takes her all around the world, yet she somehow manages to find time to review books, write articles and interview authors for her site. Her website — http://reviews-and-ramblings.dreamwidth.org/ — is one of the most comprehensive online journals dedicated solely to LGBT literature, art, and film. She also founded ‘Rainbow Awards’, an online annual awards event that judges hundreds of LGBT titles in dozens of categories.
April 2015. By Ace Katzenbooks' Reviews @The Book Breeze http://issuu.com/thebookbreeze/docs/tbb_web_april_2015/c/su95rvu:
This book, a compilation of Elisa Rolle's blog entries over a period of several years, is a work that belongs in every college and university that has a Gender Studies or Queer Studies program. If I were wealthy, I'd order copies for every public library in America. Elisa is well-known by gay authors and fans of gay romance for her reviews and film listings – I have found things on her blog that I've seen nowhere else – but I think that this book will outlive her and serve as a lasting resource for anyone who wants to get a sense of the scope of gay history. That may make this book sound dry and academic. It is anything but. This is a wonderful collection of love stories, sometimes joyful, sometimes tragic, always real. For those of us who came out after Stonewall, Days gives a glimpse of how tough things were for those who came before. For our elders, who lived through it, I hope it gives the recognition that is their due. If I were doing by-the-number scores, I would give this ten catnip toys out of a possible … 5. It is just that good.
March 28, 2015. By ELLEN REID, President & CEO Beverly Hills Book Awards http://www.beverlyhillsbookawards.com/2015-BHBA-Winners-and-Finalists.htm#lgbtnf:
Days of Love is the Winner in the LGBT Non-Fiction Category of the 3rd Annual Beverly Hills International Book Awards. Your book, Days of Love: Celebrating LGBT History One Story at a Time, truly embodies the excellence that this award was created to celebrate, and we salute you and your fine work.
March 18, 2015. By Aikaterini Fytopoulou @Amazon http://www.amazon.co.uk/review/R2372KUQJK1G6T/ref=cm_cr_pr_perm?ie=UTF8&ASIN=1500563323:
Five Stars. Exactly what the product description said; very satisfied.
March 18, 2015. By Ryan Field http://ryan-field.blogspot.it/2015/03/by-elisa-rolle-days-of-love-celebrating.html:
I wanted to give this book a post all its own. I've been remiss about this post because I've been so busy with work and family issues for the past year. But it's been on my mind lately because I think it's one of those books that will start out quietly, but one day in the future be something significant from a cultural and historical POV. Never before in the history of gay culture have there been so many changes than in the past five years. It seems as if it all happened overnight, but of course it didn't happen overnight. Many people worked very hard for years to help bring about these changes. And there's still a long way to go. But this particular time in gay culture is significant because of gay marriage alone. Days of Love is a book that celebrates all this in a quiet way, and I don't even think the author fully realized how important this will be in the future. These are also interesting times in publishing, not just in gay culture. This is one of the few books that someone indie published in a way I've never seen before. It is, indeed, indie publishing at its best. Ten years ago this may or may not have been available because authors were at the mercy of literary agents and their questionable taste. The angle is simply about love. It's not too social or political, and the message is clear. And I think highly reflective of the times in which we are living. And in full disclosure, my husband, Tony, and I are in the book but I'm in no way associated with how it was written or where the money goes.
March 12, 2015. By David McFarlane @Northern Ireland Gay Rights Association http://nigra.org.uk/book-review-days-of-love/:
A book about equality, Days of Love will be a welcome addition to any bookshelf. There are sweeping changes being made across the world in respect of equality and with the increasing recognition of same sex marriage. Prolific LGBT writer and editor, Elisa Rolle, has brought together the personal stories of over 700 LGBT couples and celebrates these couples’ life-long relationships by telling their stories. Many of the contemporary couples, who share their stories talk about how they met, fell in love and share photographs from their wedding or of the families that they have started together. Spanning 2,000 years of history, the book includes a number of interesting pieces of trivia, such as the fact that Sir Isaac Newton, who laid the foundation for modern physics, may have had a relationship with a Swiss mathematician, Nicolas Fatio de Duillier and that the author of 2001: A Space Odyssey ; Arthur C. Clarke; had a 13-year partnership with a Sri Lankan man, and that they are buried together? The book also reminds us that in these times when equality is moving forward, there were a number of people who came before us, paving the way for LGBT rights to be crystallised, and the book also acts as an alternative cultural history of LGBT people. Elisa Rolle explains in the introduction to Days of Love why she decided to compile this book, “I have always liked love stories, and to me, even if you only spent one day in blissful happiness, then it was a love story. I see the following pages like a family photo album, the enlarged LGBT family sharing their memories: you will read about couples who managed to stay together for more than 70 years, but also those who were able to have only some days of happiness.”
March 1, 2015. By persnickety @Amazon http://www.amazon.com/review/R3TANZBHN46AME/ref=cm_cr_rdp_perm?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B00N4EZNVK:
Inspiring work that belongs in every library. This book is simply amazing. Anyone who wants to refute the slanderous accusation that gay and lesbian couples can't achieve lasting relationships has hundreds of pages of proof right here. And the stories are nothing less than inspiring.
February 26, 2015. By David-Elijah Nahmod @Echo Magazine http://www.echomag.com/days-love/ & http://southfloridagaynews.com/Books/books-days-of-love-celebrating-lgbt-history-one-story-at-a-time.html:
Reading Elisa Rolle’s impressive bio offers a glimpse into how much work she must have done in putting together this exhaustive tome. The multi-lingual career woman, who currently lives in Italy, is a respected book reviewer and archivist: her personal website My Reviews and Ramblings serves as a comprehensive study of the history of LGBT art and literature. http://selzerandweiss.com At more than 750 pages, Rolle's “Days of Love” is a stunningly researched volume of gay, lesbian and bisexual love. For 725 pages, she chronicles the two thousand year history of same-sex love — over 700 couples are included. A thirty-page index follows. She begins at the beginning, in ancient Greece, with Alexander the Great. From throughout the centuries, she chronicles some of history's better known same-sex love stories. Some of these relationships have already been common knowledge, such as the love shared between the great 19th century playwright Oscar Wilde and Lord Alfred Douglas — Wilde famously served time in jail for the crime of homosexuality, which left him a broken man. Rolle, who clearly did her homework, takes her history lessons even further — she informs her readers who Douglas loved in the years following Wilde's death. Douglas, who was bisexual, married poet Olive Custance, also bisexual. They remained together for 27 years. Some of the better known names in “Days of Love” make for a fun read. Looking back, it's hard to believe that 1940s cinema lovers actually believed that movie stars Cary Grant and Randolph Scott were “roommates.” Some entries might surprise readers, such as the inclusion of Helen Keller and Annie Sullivan. The beginnings of the 49 year live-in friendship between Sullivan and Keller was chronicled in William Gibson's play The Miracle Worker — which became an acclaimed, Oscar winning film in 1962. Totally deaf and blind since the age of 18 months, Sullivan became Keller's teacher, and taught the child how to read and write braille, and how to communicate. The two became world famous disability and social justice activists, and were inseparable until Sullivan died in 1936. Though Sullivan had a failed marriage to a man during her lifetime, she and Keller never lived apart and functioned as a single unit. Is it really a stretch to suggest that they may have loved each other? From Alexander in ancient Greece all the way to writers/editors/publishers Lorna Hinson and Shawn Squires, who were married in 2014, Rolle beautifully documents one love story after the other, from many different circles of life. Artists, politicians, celebrities, social justice activists — if Rolle was able to document a same sex relationship they'd had, it was included in the book, with photos where available. Some of these loves may or may not have been sexual — lifelong friends Marlon Brando and Wally Cox being such an example. Brando was one of cinema's most respected actors, Cox a popular TV personality of the 1950s and 60s. When Cox died in 1973 Brando was devastated. Until his own death some thirty years later, he kept Cox's ashes by his side. Both their ashes were eventually scattered together. Was this a platonic love? In his later years Brando admitted to being bisexual. Other loves are more obvious, such as the 28 year relationship between Radclyffe Hall and Lady Troubridge, (Hall penned the classic lesbian novel “The Well of Loneliness” in 1928), or writer Christopher Isherwood, who lived with the much younger artist Don Bachardy as an openly gay couple for 33 years beginning in 1953 — the couple's life together was chronicled in the 2008 documentary “Chris and Don: A Love Story.” Some of the more recent couples featured in the book are quoted. It's heartwarming to see their wedding photos, which serve as a reminder as to how much harder previous generations were forced to live. We've come a long way. “Days of Love: Celebrating LGBT History One Story at a Time” is a wonderful and lovely addition to the annals of LGBT historical literature.
February 25, 2015. By Paul Szabo @The Gay UK http://www.thegayuk.com/magazine/4574334751/BOOK-Days-Of-Love-Celebrating-LGBT-History-One-Love-Story-At-A-Time/9442157:
There are sweeping changes being made across the world in respect of equality and with the increasing recognition of same sex marriage. Prolific LGBT writer and editor, Elisa Rolle, has brought together the personal stories of over 700 LGBT couples and celebrates these couples’ life-long relationships by telling their stories. Many of the contemporary couples, who share their stories talk about how they met, fell in love and share photographs from their wedding or of the families that they have started together. Spanning 2,000 years of history, the book includes a number of interesting pieces of trivia, such as the fact that Sir Isaac Newton, who laid the foundation for modern physics, may have had a relationship with a Swiss mathematician, Nicolas Fatio de Duillier and that the author of 2001: A Space Odyssey ; Arthur C. Clarke; had a 13-year partnership with a Sri Lankan man, and that they are buried together? The book also reminds us that in these times when equality is moving forward, there were a number of people who came before us, paving the way for LGBT rights to be crystallised, and the book also acts as an alternative cultural history of LGBT people. Elisa Rolle explains in the introduction to Days of Love why she decided to compile this book, "I have always liked love stories, and to me, even if you only spent one day in blissful happiness, then it was a love story. I see the following pages like a family photo album, the enlarged LGBT family sharing their memories: you will read about couples who managed to stay together for more than 70 years, but also those who were able to have only some days of happiness."
February 25, 2015. By Amie Love @Amazon http://www.amazon.com/review/R1RU8ZMQ9QOR1N/ref=cm_cr_pr_perm?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B00MZG0VHY:
I cherish my copy of this book. This is a beautiful book with many short biographies of LGBT couples, each accompanied by a picture. It's filled with people who made a huge impact on society and the world. Some of these people are well known and others less so. Taken from points throughout history it shows in a way that nothing else does the impact that the LGBT community has on our global society. For someone who is having a difficult time with their identity and how it is perceived by those around them, this book is invaluable. Seeing these wonderful and influential couples, and that some of them could live and endure in great adversity, show others in the same situations that they can endure and thrive; they can come out the other side stronger as well. It also shows how things have changed over time, and the current trend toward a society that embraces the LGBT community. It serves as a reminder of the importance of love, how powerful it is and how much it should be cherished. Filled with amazing role models, I found this book to be inspiring and uplifting. I highly recommend this book, for you or for someone who is struggling with their identity. Love is the great equalizer, it crosses all boundaries and I think that is something we all need to remember.
February 16, 2015. By Jim Provenzano @Amazon http://www.amazon.com/review/RY5MZH5D9QCUH/ref=cm_cr_rdp_perm:
Epic LGBT, day by day. Elisa Rolle, the prolific book review and biography blogger, has wisely collected hundreds of her short online essays on the lives and loves of notable LGBT authors, artists, musicians and more, from historical figures back to the 17th century to contemporary authors, a few of whom are my own colleagues and neighbors. I have yet to complete the book, of course. At 750-plus pages, with a full index, it's going to be one of those bedside regulars for at least a year, with a few essays to read each night. What an inspiration to learn a bit about so many couples, whose lives shaped art and culture for centuries. What's also amazing is how thorough Rolle's list is, along with photos on nearly every page. 'Days of Love' thoroughly makes the case for visualizing and remembering the many LGBT artists from many countries, each of whom shaped societies and cultures.
February 2015. @Midlands Zone http://issuu.com/midlands-zone/docs/zone_low_res__adrian_/c/sui43wz:
... and something to read: Days of Love by Elisa Rolle. Chronicling 2,000 years of same-sex love stories - from Alexander the Great to the latest Literary Award winner - Days of Love lays to rest the well-established myth that LGBT couples aren't capable of sustaining life-long relationships. Packed full of photos and illustrations, it features the personal stories of 700 LGBT couples from the dawn of history to the present day. Many of the contemporary couples share their stories on how they met and fell in love, as well as photos from when they married or of the families they have started together.
February 2015. By JJ Vega @Connextions Magazine http://issuu.com/connextionsmag/docs/issue17/34:
At first, the book seemed like a daunting, scary task to read because of its size, it has over 500 pages. However, once the reader begins to investigate further, the size of the book becomes a non-issue and becomes a brilliant story book. Elisa Rolle brilliantly and methodically, documents the love among same sex couples throughout the centuries, as far back as written records were kept. Particularly intriguing is the story of a church that recorded the marriage of two men in the year 1019, which could possibly be the earliest recorded in written history. This and all the stories included in this book, can provide a lot of encouragement for the LGBT community, especially for people who may be afraid to come out, or to counterattack opponents of marriage equality, which at times use words like "promiscuity" when referring to LGBT couples. To read the triumphs of these couples, some unknown to us as members of the LGBT community, are of particular interest and of huge pride. If the stories of these couples were discussed in the media, then the arguments against marriage equality would be null. I especially enjoyed reading and learning about those relationships that lasted more than 50 years, and in some cases it was documented that after one of the partner's death, the surviving partner would often die shortly after, as if to say that not even death could separate them. These men and women, members of our LGBT community, were pioneers and started opening doors for civil rights.
January 22, 2015. By Gordon @Bent Magazine http://mag.bent.com/2015/01/book-days-of-love-celebrates-lgbt-history/:
A new book chronicling 2,000 years of same-sex love stories, from Alexander the Great to the latest Literary Award winner, makes the perfect Valentine’s Day gift. Days of Love, created and Edited by Elisa Rolle, makes inspiring reading and lays to rest the myth that LGBT couples are not capable of sustaining life-long relationships. Packed full of beautiful photos and illustrations it lovingly features the personal stories of 700 LGBT couples from the dawn of history to the present day. Many of the contemporary couples share their stories on how they met and fell in love, as well as photos from when they married or of the families they have started together. Days of Love is also a great source of LGBT trivia and stories that have all-too-often been written out of history. For example, did you know that Sir Isaac Newton, who laid the foundation for modern physics, may have had a relationship with a Swiss mathematician, Nicolas Fatio de Duillier? That the British author of 2001: A Space Odyssey Arthur C. Clarke had a 13-year partnership with a male Sri Lankan teenager, and they are buried together? This is only a fraction of the fascinating facts that you can discover. One of the British couples featured in the book are Matthew Bugg and Tobias Oliver. The couple who live in Sheffield and run the theatre company Mr Bugg Presents – producers of hit show Miss Nightingale the musical – will celebrate their 21st anniversary on the 17th February this year. What comes across is an alternative cultural history of LGBT people. As we celebrate growing social acceptability and the increasing introduction same-sex marriage, we are reminded that many people past and present paved the way for our civil rights, not the least of which is the right to love whoever we want. Elisa Rolle explains in the introduction to Days of Love why she decided to compile this book: “I have always liked love stories, and to me, even if you only spent one day in blissful happiness, then it was a love story. I see the following pages like a family photo album, the enlarged LGBT family sharing their memories: you will read about couples who managed to stay together for more than 70 years, but also those who were able to have only some days of happiness.” A successful, multi-lingual career woman, Elisa Rolle’s job takes her all around the world, yet she somehow manages to find time to review books, write articles and interview authors for her site. Her website — http://reviews-and-ramblings.dreamwidth.org/ — is one of the most comprehensive online journals dedicated solely to LGBT literature, art, and film. She also founded ‘Rainbow Awards’, an online annual awards event that judges hundreds of LGBT titles in dozens of categories.
January 21, 2015. By Amy McDonnell @DIVA Magazine http://www.divamag.co.uk/category/lifestyle/this-is-for-lovers.aspx:
This is for lovers, Ditch the roses for Valentine's Day and pick up this book of LGBT love stories instead. A new book created and edited by Elisa Rolle celebrates LGBT history one love story at a time. Days of Love shares inspirational tales of same-sex lovers from Alexander the Great to Sir Isaac Newton. Sit down together and read about heart-warming romances that will make you proud to be apart of a strong community that has proved time and time again that love conquers all. Read how modern day couples met and fell in love, as well as seeing their wedding photos and the families they've started. Days Of Love also promises fascinating LGBT trivia and stories that has been long forgotten from our history books. Rolle says: "I have always liked love stories, and to me, even if you only spent one day in blissful happiness, then it was a love story. I see the following pages like a family photo album, the enlarged LGBT family sharing their memories: you will read about couples who managed to stay together for more than 70 years, but also those who were able to have only some days of happiness." Advertisement This is a perfect alternative to the cliche Valentine's gifts, and it will probably last a lot longer than that box of chocolates as well... So for all the lovers out there, order your book.
January 8, 2015. @Amazon http://www.amazon.com/rev…/R15EBXLAA6DA6I/ref=cm_cr_pr_perm…:
I love this book! Thank you so much, Elisa Rolle. Undoubtedly, "Days Of Love" is one of the greatest gifts to the LGBT community. I believe what Howard Cruse says about this book: "...it will be hugely validating to young, newly-emerging LGBT kids... and be reassured that they really can have a secure, respected place in the world as their futures unfold."
December 31, 2014. By Toby Johnson @Amazon http://www.amazon.com/review/REVSURWDF1HF1/ref=cm_cr_pr_perm?ie=UTF8&ASIN=1500563323:
A beautiful book. A wonderful way of celebrating history. There are so many stories in this book. It's sitting out on our living room coffee table--partly to boast to friends that Kip and I are included in the collection of couples and partly to pick up and read and ponder other gay people's lives and loves down through time. It's a beautiful book.
December 28, 2014. By damonA @Amazon http://www.amazon.it/review/RAFSYB52240TU/ref=cm_cr_pr_perm?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B00MZG0VHY:
Interessante. È una serie di coppie storiche che ci vengono raccontate in modo semplice, è in inglese ma leggibile anche a chi non lo parla in modo eccelso...
December 24, 2015. By Sylvia @Amazon http://www.amazon.com/review/R1R2A1GJW2X4O3/ref=cm_cr_pr_perm?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B00MZG0VHY:
Wonderful book and I will often return to it and enjoy all the photo's and stories. Truly a labour of love.
December 11, 2014. by Brian Bromberger @The Bay Area Reporter http://ebar.com/arts/art_article.php?sec=books&article=892:
New Book Celebrates LGBT Lovers Through the Ages. Did you know that Sir Isaac Newton, who laid the foundation for modern physics, may have had a relationship with a Swiss mathematician, Nicolas Fatio de Duillier? That the famous married theatrical couple Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne were gay and lesbian? That the British author of 2001: A Space Odyssey Arthur C. Clarke had a 13-year partnership with a Sri Lankan teenager, and they are buried together? This is only a fraction of the LGBT trivia one can unearth in Elisa Rolle's new book Days of Love, a collection of same-sex pairings throughout the world and history, covering all artistic and scientific fields, complete with photos, in particular those created by photographer Robert Giard from his book Particular Voices, recording many in the LGBT literary community. Rolle's website reviews-and-ramblings.dreamwidth.org is a comprehensive online journal dedicated to LGBT literature, art, and film. She has also launched the Rainbow Awards, online annual awards judging hundreds of LGBT titles in dozens of categories. She explains in the preface why she decided to compile this book. "I have always liked love stories, and to me, even if you only spent one day in blissful happiness, then it was a love story. I see the following pages like a family photo album, the enlarged LGBT family sharing their memories: you will read about couples who managed to stay together for more than 70 years, but also those who were able to have only some days of happiness." What emerges in the book is an alternative cultural history of LGBT people. But I don't want to leave the impression that the book focuses only on famous couples. In fact, 3/4 of Days of Love features couples most of us have never heard of, which makes reading about them and their accomplishments even more fascinating. By concentrating on (though not restricted to) long-term relationships, Rolle lays to rest the myth that LGBT folk are not capable of sustaining life-long partnerships. The book is 760 pages, a virtual encyclopedia, and the research that must have accompanied the writing is staggering. Most entries are only a page long. Some of the recent stories are accompanied by testimonies of the couple, which personalize their listing. Some eye-raising portraits are of Edith Wharton & William Moron Fullerton; Sir Alan Bates & John Curry; Sylvia Townsend Warner & Valentine Ackland; Guthrie McClintic & Katharine Cornell; John Maynard Keyes & Sebastian Sprott; John Henry Newman & Ambrose St. John; and George Sand & Marie Dorval. These examples merely scratch the surface, because the unknown romances are also charming, equally apportioned between men and women. You might look up an individual in the index, read his or her story, but then because each entry is brief, notice another entry that can be quickly digested, and before long an hour has passed. While there is much to praise in this groundbreaking volume, there are many typos and editing faux pas, and it does have a serious flaw. There is no introductory chapter telling us the history of LGBT relationships, how they have been defined, have changed or been viewed through the centuries. In other words, there is no historical or social context for how to interpret them. The book relies heavily on hearsay, such that in some cases we cannot be sure whether or not there was an actual relationship, with the case of Isaac Newton being an example. In previous centuries, friendship was prized and spoken about in affectionate terms that today sound sexual to us, but did not necessarily have a physical component. Rolle clarifies when she can, but at times the evidence is ambiguous. I suspect Rolle's response would be that LGBT couples defy classification. The problem is that she never states what her reasoning is for including certain couples. Fortunately she provides enough information that readers can research and draw their own conclusions. Ultimately one can only applaud Rolle for her diligence. Despite centuries of history silencing LGBT relationships, a brief perusal of Days of Love should convince any skeptic that there have always been LGBT people seeking love. As we bask in these heady days of social acceptability and legality of same-sex marriage, we are reminded that many people past and present paved the way for our civil rights, not the least of which is the right to love whomever we want.
December 11, 2014. By Ajax Bell @Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23013197-days-of-love#other_reviews:
Loved this. Like one of those old style Who's Who books, or an excellent encyclopedia of tiny queer love stories. Worth it for reference, worth it for the reminder of how much love and art and blood sweat and tears gay people have put into the world, often unknown until after death.
November 30, 2014. By Eden Winters @Amazon http://www.amazon.com/review/R39FNM7W9LFC9B/ref=cm_cr_pr_perm/?ie=UTF8&ASIN=1500563323:
An Uplifting Collection of Love Stories. Where do I begin? That this collection of mini-biographies was a labor of love for the author is obvious on every page. What an undertaking, gathering all these stories, contacting living subjects for permission and pictures, and putting together a well-organized, uplifting tome of love stories throughout history. I purchased a print edition for my local PFLAG group, because I believed that in a world where there is so much negativity towards the LGBT community, our members needed to hear the positive message of enduring love. Each page is a different story, so don't let the size of the book scare you. Got a few minutes? Peer into the life of another couple, some who were together for as many as sixty years. Lovely, lovely book. Highly recommended.
November 12, 2014. @LOTL, Lesbians on the Loose http://www.lotl.com/Culture/Days-Of-Love-Celebrating-LGBT-History-One-Story-At-A-Time-182/:
Days of Love chronicles more than 700 LGBT couples throughout history, spanning 2000 years from Alexander the Great to the most recent winner of a Lambda Literary Award. Presented in a generally chronological order, couples from history include: Religious figures: Jean, bishop of Orleans and Raoul II, Archbishop of Tours (1086 to 1117) Early American colonists: Mary Vincent Hammon and Sarah White Norman (1633 to 1654) Authors and philosophers: Fanny Blood and Mary Wollstonecraft (1775 to 1785) Politicians and lawyers: Abraham Lincoln and Joshua Fry Speed (1837 to 1865) Arts and the theatre: Louise Abbema and Sarah Bernhardt (1875 to 1923) Each couple is given a postcard style description and picture. The individual stories range from historically interesting to politically important to whimsically charming. Many of the contemporary couples share their stories on how they met and fell in love, as well as photos from when they married or of their families. Included are professional portraits by Robert Giard and Stathis Orphanos, paintings by John Singer Sargent and Giovanni Boldini, and photographs by Frances Benjamin Johnson, Arnold Genthe, and Carl Van Vechten among others. The book is receiving high praise: “I couldn’t resist clicking through every page. I never realized the scope of the book would cover centuries!... I know that it will be hugely validating to young, newly-emerging LGBT kids... who will be reassured that they really can have a secure, respected place in the world as their futures unfold.” – Howard Cruse “While reading, I was amazed by the research that had gone into it… We delve a little bit into each couple Miss Elisa spotlights, giving the reader a small snippet into their life; what they did for a living, how they met each other… The author introduces us to unknown couples alongside those who were famous and made a huge impact on the world, from Hollywood directors and actors to scientists and royalty, writers and poets to those who started up important organizations. In Days of Love we see Oscar Wilde, Emily Dickinson, Sir Isaac Newton, Marlene Dietrich, Marlon Brando, just to name a few… I feel this book would be of interest to anyone who loves history, especially LGBT history. As we see the world views changing in a positive way towards the LGBT community, some of the people in this book were pioneers without even knowing it. They loved who they loved and didn’t apologise for how they felt.” – Paul A. Fahey You can find out more about the author, Elisa Rolle, at http://reviews-and-ramblings.dreamwidth.org/. This website is one of the most comprehensive online journals dedicated solely to LGBT literature, art and film. In the last few years, Elisa also launched the Rainbow Awards, an online annual awards event that judges hundreds of LGBT titles in dozens of categories.
November 2014. By Jesse Archer @DNA Magazine Australia:
Chronicling 2,000 years of gay relationships from Alexander the Great to the latest Lambda Literary Award winner, Elisa Rolle's curated collection of love stories is more than inspiration, it's aspiration!
October 28, 2014. By Fay Jacobs @A&M Books http://www.amazon.com/review/R222NP5MBMVPWL/ref=cm_cr_pr_perm?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B00MZG0VHY:
It's our history and cannot be ignored! An amazing collection of entries of same-sex pairings throughout the world that is nothing less than glbt history itself. Fascinating tales on every one of the 700- plus pages. It's an encyclopedia of gay lives that should be on everyone's bookshelf or one everone's e-reader!
October 21, 2014. By Paul Alan Fahey @GoodReads https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23013197-days-of-love#other_reviews:
Amazing history of LGBT couples down thru the years. My hubby, Bob, and I are featured as well. The author, Elisa Rolle, has done an incredible job researching and pulling all this information together in one loving gorgeous book. An incredible job. Well done, Elisa.
October 20, 2014. By LeeA P @Amazon http://www.amazon.com/review/R35DJ0G42HB9A3/ref=cm_cr_pr_perm?ie=UTF8&ASIN=1500563323:
Beautifully done. A beautiful book of amazing photos and stories. Loved it!
October 3, 2014. By Amarilli Settantatre http://www.sognipensieriparole.com/2014/10/oggi-presentiamo-days-of-love-di-elisa.html:
Un incredibile documentario storico-fotografico, quasi una sorta di enciclopedia che copre oltre duemila anni di storia, partendo da Alessando Magno ai giorni nostri, attraverso una chiave di lettura particolarissima: l’amore che ha unito coppie più o meno celebri, talvolta pubblicamente o spesso in gran segreto, talvolta osteggiato e terminato in modo doloroso, talvolta celebrato e divenuto esempio di speranza per chi è venuto dopo. Credo che leggere le tantissime storie di uomini e di donne che si susseguono in queste pagine dia la misura di quanto sia in errore chi pensa che le relazioni omosessuali siano una deriva dei nostri tempi moderni e che le stesse possano essere l’indizio di un pericolo e di una degenerazione per il tessuto sociale tradizionale. Al contrario, è proprio ripercorrendo le storie di queste persone (come Florence Nightingale e Mary Clarke, o Eleonora Duse e Isadora Duncan, tanto per citare alcune delle coppie femminili più celebri), che possiamo avere un’ulteriore riprova di quanto la forza dell’amore, in tutte le sue connotazioni e sfumature (quindi anche tra due persone adulte dello stesso sesso), possa essere un motore formidabile per accrescere l’arte, la letteratura e il mondo delle idee in genere, nonché per dare vita a esperienze incredibili e a personaggi in grado di fare la storia passata e futura, finendo per essere un valore aggiunto e non un ostacolo per la civiltà che abbiamo costruito e in cui viviamo. Da tenere in libreria o sull’e-reader e da sfogliare con curiosità e continua sorpresa.
September 10, 2014. by Lynn @The Novel Approach Reviews http://thenovelapproachreviews.com/2014/09/07/sunday-spotlight-review-days-of-love-by-elisa-rolle/:
First off, let me say I had a hard time figuring how to review this book. It’s far removed from what I normally review. That being said, I was blown away by the wealth of information between these pages. While reading, I was amazed by the research that had gone into it. Just thinking about the time and energy this author has spent compiling these facts about each couple, past and present, is mind boggling. We delve a little bit into each couple Miss Elisa spotlights, giving the reader a small snippet into their life; what they did for a living, how they met each other. A lot of the information here was new to me and made for some fantastic reading. The author introduces us to unknown couples alongside those who were famous and made a huge impact on the world, from Hollywood directors and actors to scientists and royalty, writers and poets to those who started up important organizations. In Days of Love we see Oscar Wilde, Emily Dickinson, Sir Issac Newton, Marlene Dietrich, Marlon Brando, just to name a few. I was excited to read about some of the authors I personally know and the ones I have read: Jay Bell, Andrew Grey, Scotty Cade, TJ Klune, Eric Arvin and JP Bowie—again this is a small taste of what’s inside. I feel this book would be of interest to anyone who loves history, especially LGBT history. As we see the world views changing in a positive way towards the LGBT community, some of the people in this book were pioneers without even knowing it. They loved who they loved and didn’t apologize for how they felt. I love that this book is out there. I would definitely categorize this as a reference book, but at the same time such a wonderful read. I would highly recommend this book to everyone.
September 1, 2014. by Paul Alan Fahey @Amazon http://www.amazon.com/review/RHA7GTWNXO6IS/ref=cm_cr_pr_perm?ie=UTF8&ASIN=1500563323:
Absolutely Love This Book of LGBT History! Can't say enough about "Days of Love: Celebrating LGBT History One Story at a Time." I've never seen a book quite like this one. Is there one? I doubt it. Elisa Rolle has given so many of us our place in this historical record, and both my husband, Bob, and I are truly grateful to be included. Days of Love is sitting on our coffee table--right where it will stay. Great for browsing or reading one story at a time. Absolutely love this book.
August 30, 2014. by Lee Lynch @Amazon http://www.amazon.com/review/R1Q9XHF1NTAYL7/ref=cm_cr_pr_perm?ie=UTF8&ASIN=1500563323:
What a huge undertaking. Ms. Rolle has produced a tour de force, a book for the ages. I am extremely honored that my wife and I are included. Thank you to Ms. Rolle for her exhaustive research, her inclusiveness, and for making such a work available.
August 28, 2014. By Moogie @Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23013197-days-of-love#other_reviews:
This is a real dip in and out of Tree Book. A glorious history of LGBTQ etc love stories. Fascinating to see friends as well as remarkable historic figures revealing their love stories. Praise to Elisa Rolle for a very well researched and enjoyable reference book.
August 27, 2014. By Francesco Mastinu http://jfmastinu.wordpress.com/2014/08/27/days-of-love-di-elisa-rollesegnalazione/:
Con estremo piacere segnalo il libro di Elisa Rolle, scritto e pubblicato negli Stati Uniti d’America, che racchiude ben 8 anni di attività di ricerca e di blogger raccontando la vita di relazione delle coppie omosessuali statunitensi e non, sia storiche che contemporanee, appartenenti comunque al mondo della notorietà per meriti artistici, politici e sociali. Una bellissima iniziativa che quest’anno diventa un libro di ben 760 pagine (in inglese) che racchiude più di 700 storie partendo da Alessandro Magno sino ai giorni nostri. Dalle parole della stessa Elisa, scopriamo che il suo lavoro ha come mission quella di dimostrare che i matrimoni gay sono sempre esistiti scardinando la concezione di “lotta moderna”, abbracciando invece il concetto che i diritti pertanto non vanno mai negati, proprio perché storicamente le relazioni durature anche tra gli omosessuali sono sempre esistite e hanno anzi contribuito alla storia di tutta l’umanità, dal profilo politico, sociale e artistico. Un esempio? Elisa ci parla di George Merrill e Edward Carpenter, morti negli anni 20, che sono sepolti nella stessa tomba, insieme. Sotto il nome di George, c’è scritto “together with Edward for 40 years” (insieme per 40 anni). Ma questa è solo una storia tra centinaia. Il testo è inglese ma è acquistabile anche in Italia, verrà lanciato con una presentazione ufficiale a ottobre, a New York. Lo segnalo perché è una bella iniziativa, come da noi in Italia non si riesce a realizzare (per quanto magari coppie note di cui parlare ce ne sarebbero a bizzeffe, se solo si fosse disponibili a mettersi in gioco o meglio, se solo le associazioni, le istituzioni e certi editori avessero il coraggio di portare avanti un’iniziativa del genere). A ogni modo, per quanto qua in Italia siamo lontani anni luce dal riconoscimento di diritti basilari come il matrimonio e la lotta alla discriminazione, motivo per cui ritengo che libri di questo genere non siano auspicabili, ma necessari; anche alcune personalità italiane sono state rappresentate all’interno di questa raccolta biografica, tra cui me e il mio compagno Guido per cui credetemi, essere comunque presente e poter fare qualcosa per favorire il processo di riconoscimento dei diritti, è importante e fonte di estremo onore. Con questa motivazione, insieme, abbiamo deciso di mettere a disposizione i nostri 14 anni di vita in comune, per dimostrare che l’amore e le relazioni prescindono dal sesso del partner. Chi fosse interessato ad acquistare il libro o a saperne di più, questi sono i link di Amazon. In ogni caso ringrazio Elisa per aver realizzato quest’opera, e mi auguro che davvero anche qua in Italia si riesca, un giorno, a portare avanti iniziative del genere… magari proprio grazie a Elisa?
August 25, 2014. By Jack Scott @Amazon http://www.amazon.com/review/R3SSDCT1DWURFF/ref=cm_cr_pr_perm?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B00MZG0VHY:
Epic. A truly epic and comprehensive directory of LGBT love down the ages. A real achievement.
August 25, 2014. By Jeff Adams http://www.jeffandwill.com/2014/08/24/days-of-love-celebrating-lgbt-history-one-story-at-a-time-by-elisa-rolle/:
Will and I have known Elisa Rolle for a couple years now. We met at the 2012 GayRomLit in Albuquerque. We’d known of her for longer than that because of the excellent blog she runs, Elisa’s Reviews & Ramblings, where she features LGBT literature (including the Rainbow Awards) and a huge catalog of LGBT couples throughout history. Will and I were honored when we were written up on her website back in June of 2013 for a post that ran on my birthday (the post was updated and ran again September 7, 2014 to commorate our wedding anniversary). The honor grew November 2013 when she asked us if she could feature us in the book she was working on. The book Days of Love: Celebrating LGBT History One Story at a Time has just been released in paperback and ebook. It’s truly amazing being included in this books that looks at hundreds of LGBT couples, both historical and present day. Some of the historical couples included are Alexander the Great & Hephaestion, Queen Christina of Sweden & Countess Ebba Sparre, James Buchanan & William R. King, Abraham Lincoln & Joshua Fry Speed, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Susan B. Anthony to name a few. Among the more contemporary couples are Bill Konigsberg & Chuck Cahoy (Bill is one of my very favorite authors), Matthew White & Thomas Schumacher, Andrew Frist & Tom Dolby, Brent Hartinger & Michael Jensen, Billy Merrell & Nico Medina. It’s astonishing to be a part of such a list of people. Couple’s stories include how they met, what they do and other bits and pieces that make of a part of their history as a couple. I’ve only read a portion of the book so far, but it’s wonderful to read about each of the relationships. For those in New York, Elisa is presenting the book at the LGBT Center on October 14th at 7pm. I’m sad we won’t be able to be there to participate. She’s got a great lineup of panelists to be with her. You can learn more on her website. If you’re in the area, I encourage you to attend for a wonderful evening. Meanwhile, I am excited that less than a week after her presentation, we’ll see her in Chicago for GayRomLit where we will definitely get her to autograph our copy of this amazingly entertaining, and educational, book.
August 23, 2014. By J. Lawrence @Amazon http://www.amazon.com/review/R2WFEH20HXJVF7/ref=cm_cr_pr_perm?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B00MZG0VHY:
Through laughter and tears, love endures. I've been reading Elisa's journal for years and commented frequently about the love stories she has featured on there. I'm thrilled to have it all together in one place to read at any time I please. This is a joy. Thank you Elisa!

Early Bird Reviews:
“It looks wonderful.” Dorothy Allison
“This book will surely become a valuable resource to all, and a comforting reminder that romance has always existed in many diverse forms.” Jay Bell
“It looks like the perfect read” Jp Bowie
“It's wonderful. Laying it out chronologically is inspired, offering a solid GLBT history. I immediately went looking for our entry, but kept stopping along the way to read others. I kept learning things. I didn't know that Bob Giard's photo of the two naked men sharing a newspaper was of Larry Duplechan and his partner. And I love your decision to include couples broken by death. It makes clear how important love is, as well as showing what people have been through. I am delighted to be part of this. (And tickled to be among such folks as Frederich the Great and Astolphe de Custine as well as my friends Victor Bumbalo, Michael Bronski, Mark Merlis and many others. The layout and photos look terrific.” Christopher Bram
“Wow, the book looks BEAUTIFUL! A wonderful book!” Barry Brennessel
“It looks beautiful. Thanks you so much for doing this book, I think it is very important.” Michael Bronski
“CONGRATULATIONS! The book looks monumental.” Victor Bumbalo
“Looks great!” Steve Callahan
“Had no idea this would be so extensive. Well done.” Alan Chin
“This is a special book” Costello Tagliapietra
“I couldn’t resist clicking through every page. I never realized the scope of the book would cover centuries! Now that I’ve seen the breadth of this survey, I’m doubly honored that we have been included. I hope that it captures the attention of librarians far and wide. I know that it will be hugely validating to young, newly-emerging LGBT kids who might not be able to afford the cost of purchasing the book but who will surely find it if is available on library shelves and be reassured that they really can have a secure, respected place in the world as their futures unfold.” Howard Cruse
“What an amazing book.” Jameson Currier
“Wow. I’m not quite sure we deserve to be in this book…but I am touched.” Ulysses Dietz
“Thank you for this.” Tom Dolby
“It looks great. Thank you for doing this for ALL of us.” Paul Alan Fahey
“It looks great.” Ryan Field
“That is really beautiful! It's a fantastic book.” Harper Fox
“This international history-and-photo book, featuring 100s of detailed bios of some of the most forward-moving gay persons in history, is sure to be one of those bestsellers that gay folk will enjoy for years to come as reference and research that is filled with facts and fun. Mark Hemry and I were delighted to be included in Elisa's wonderful book which in the amazing helix of its sheer volume of entries develops the only context this serious, yet entertaining, LGBT history book needs. Elisa Rolle's "Book of Days" is a starting point for those entering gay culture, and will be a valued reference book for historians for the next hundred years.” Jack Fritscher
“Amazing work!” Brent Hartinger
“It looks fantastic!” Sam Irvin
“This is a stunning achievement!!! It's fantastic!!! Congratulations on this spectacular book. It's A WINNER!!!!!” Fay Jacobs
“WOW! This is wonderful. Much more than I was expecting this project to be. We are really honored to be among your 6 or 7 hundred some gay couples of history. This is really wonderful! I’ll say it again.” Toby Johnson
“What a wonderful labor of love this is.” William J. Mann
“Thanks for including us in your wonderful book.” Mark Merlis
“I have been reading your book all morning. It is simply wonderful! The research and passion you put into this project is absolutely stunning! And to be included in this is such a terrific honor. I can’ thank you enough.” Nick Nolan
“The book looks beautiful. We are honored to be part of such history.” Frank Anthony Polito
“It's gorgeous! And an important book, too. Thank you for the labor of, truly, love.” Rick R. Reed
“Gary and I were honored to be included in Elisa Rolle's historically significant and beautiful book, Days of Love, which chronicles LGBT couples throughout history. Many of the contemporary couples – like Gary and I – share their stories on how they met and fell in love, as well as photos from when they married. It was a massive undertaking on Elisa's part, and I think it's an important part of our collective history and future.” Wade Rouse
“Wow! This is wonderful! An impressive undertaking. We are so grateful to be included in this important book. Thank you for all of your efforts and for this wonderful gift to the world.” Salvatore Sapienza
“Looks great!” Steven Saylor
“We are in some amazing company. I'm chuffed!” Jack Scott Author
"This is one of the most extraordinary books published in the last decade. It should win a Lammy for the year." Charles Silverstein
“Looks good! What a lineage.” Karl Soehnlein
“A fascinating history and we are proud to be part of it.” Ralph Sylvester and Stathis Orphanos

This journal is friends only. This entry was originally posted at http://reviews-and-ramblings.dreamwidth.org/4579761.html. If you are not friends on this journal, Please comment there using OpenID.
Tags: days of love

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