elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

2015 Rainbow Awards Honorable Mention: Memoir in the Making by Adrian J. Smith

Memoir in the Making by Adrian J. Smith
Lesbian Contemporary Romance
Paperback: 232 pages
Publisher: Supposed Crimes, LLC (May 1, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 193810854X
ISBN-13: 978-1938108549
Amazon: Memoir in the Making
Amazon Kindle: Memoir in the Making

The first day of her junior year in college was supposed to go off without a hitch. But when Ainsley Jacobs sat in her memoir class with a professor she'd never had before, her life took an unexpected turn. She couldn't get her well-dressed professor, Meredith Frenz, out of her head. Meredith had lived a lonely yet comfortable life for the past fifteen years, and despite flings here and there, she had no desire to jump head first into a relationship, especially one with her student. Despite all her thwarted efforts, Meredith was determined to keep to herself and push Ainsley away. Forbidden love is often the most attractive.

I don't think I've ever read a book that made me smile so much. It was like a guilty pleasure minus all the guilt. With a well written story and well fleshed out characters, this book was a joy to read.

I liked the may/december aspect and that it wasn't just there for show but they really had to make an effort to work it out. Both MC's really went through a remarkable character growth. This was a very character-driven novel.

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Tags: rainbow awards 2015

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