elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

Blog Tour: Meant For Me by Ann Lister

Meant For Me (The Rock Gods 5) by Ann Lister
Publisher: SleighFarm Publishing Group (May 28, 2015)
Amazon Kindle: Meant For Me (The Rock Gods 5)

Tony Wilcox, the quiet keyboard player for Ivory Tower, has always believed he was straight. A sexual encounter with his best friend leaves Tony questioning his heart and the unwavering attraction he has for Jared. Living and working together is no longer enough for Tony... he wants more. He wants Jared as his.
Jared Baker, the bass player for the band, has a past that is getting in the way of him fully embracing what he wants... Tony. He's tried everything to create distance between them, but none of it eliminated the feelings he has developed for Tony.
Trying to suppress the anger and confusion from Jared withdrawing from his life, Tony does his best to get beyond the feelings he has for his friend. When Jared becomes deathly ill, it's Tony that he calls for help and Tony has to decide if he can heal Jared without giving away too much of his heart.
Can best friends find their way to true love and discover if they were meant for each other, or will the challenges of life force them to choose separate paths?


“I really want to kiss you, T. Please,” Jared whispered his plea. “I need to know if it's real.”
“If what is real?” Tony asked.
“This. Us. All of it,” Jared whispered. “I need to know if what I'm feeling is the real deal...if maybe you're feeling it, too.”
Tony struggled again and Jared put more of his weight on top of Tony, even sliding one of his legs between Tony's thighs. Jared brushed their mouths together again and licked at Tony's slightly parted lips. Jared felt the resistance leave Tony's body and took that as a positive sign. He slanted his head and went in for the kiss he'd longed for since their last night with Bree, and just as his eyelids closed in euphoria, Tony bit down hard into the plump flesh of Jared's bottom lip. Pain shot through Jared and he quickly pulled back.
“What the hell?” Jared protested and wiped at the tiny spot of blood on his lip.
“If you fucking start this, I'm not stopping,” Tony hissed. “So, if you're gonna run away again like a scared little girl, you might as well leave right now.”

AUTHOR BIO: Ann Lister writes erotic love stories using beautifully drawn characters; flawed and emotionally damaged, and at the height of their careers, each in search of the one thing that still eludes them: love.

The Rock Gods series gave her Bestselling Author status on Amazon. Each book in this series brings her two favorite elements together: musicians and the love between two men. These stories focus on what it truly means to love; love unconditionally, love without restrictions or labels, love without fear or judgment – to just simply love.

Author Links:
Facebook Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ann-Lister/95422803480?fref=photo
Website: www.annlisterpublications.com
Twitter: @AnnListerAuthor

Tour Schedule:
5/28/2015 Jackie's Book Reviews, Elisa - My reviews and Ramblings, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents
5/29/2015 Drops of Ink, Love Bytes, Twinsie Talk
5/30/2015 Nephy's World, Kimi-chan Experience
5/31/2015 The Hat Party, Carly's Book Reviews, We Love Kink
6/1/2015 Hearts On Fire Reviews, Gay Media Reviews, Because Two Men Are Better Than One
6/2/2015 Jackie's Book Reviews, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Two chicks obsessed
6/3/2015 JP Barnaby, Multitasking mommas Book Reviews, Eyes On Books' Next Favorite Reads
6/4/2015 Divine Magazine, MM Good Book Reviews, Gay.Guy.Reading and Friends
6/5/2015 Prism Book Alliance, Bayou Book Junkie, The Purple Rose Tea House
6/6/2015 Wicked Faerie's Tales and Reviews, Nic Starr
6/7/2015 Nessa's Book Reviews, Evermore Books
6/8/2015 My Fiction Nook, Jill Prand, Foxylutely Books
6/9/2015 Man2ManTastic, The Novel Approach, Twinsie Talk
6/10/2015 BFD Book Blog, Diverse Reader, Molly Lolly: Reader, Reviewer, Lover of Words

Giveaway :
Rafflecopter Prize:
• 5 signed copies of one Rock Gods title (5 winners)
• 5 swag bundles (5 winners)
• 1 signed set (4 titles) of The Rock Gods series
• 1 digital set of The complete Rock Gods Series (1 winner)
• 5 e copies of a Rock God book of choice (5 winners)
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Tags: excerpt, giveaway, news release

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