elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

UK Meet: Izzy van Swelm

Starting from June 1, 2015, I will daily feature authors attending the three conventions I will join, Euro Pride in Munich (July), UK Meet in Bristol (September) and GRL in San Diego (October).

For the UK Meet in Bristol, September 11-13, 2015, today author is Izzy van Swelm: "As I'm a first time fiction author feel free to ask me anything, within reason."

Further Readings:

Soulmate for Sin by Izzy Van Swelm
Paperback: 206 pages
Publisher: Wilde City Press, LLC (January 28, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1925180980
ISBN-13: 978-1925180985
Amazon: Soulmate for Sin
Amazon Kindle: Soulmate for Sin

The effects of an attack on SIN, a twenty-nine year old University lecturer, reach out further into his future than SIN could ever imagine. In a story, which seems doomed to start with an end, SIN learns about the forever kind of love, and how family is not just biological. 'Soul-Mate for SIN' shows how twists of fate can take a loving, but ordinary family, from a small market town in Lincolnshire, England and turn them into something extraordinary.

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Tags: uk glbt fiction meet

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