elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

Euro Pride Con: Mario Lipinski

Starting from June 1, 2015, I will daily feature authors attending the three conventions I will join, Euro Pride in Munich (July), UK Meet in Bristol (September) and GRL in San Diego (October).

For the Euro Pride in Munich, July 11-12, 2015, today author is Mario Lipinski: "I finally ended the experiment of self-publishing a book on amazon and took it off the virtual shelf.
So, what did I learn?
I'm a touchy bitch when it comes to reviews, and I was so close (I'm pinching together my thumb and my index finger right now) to becoming a BBA.
By sheer force of will I decided to become a NBA (Nicely Behaving Author):
"Perception: A German Love Story" can now be downloaded for free here at Goodreads! (Just follow the ebook link)
Writing was and will be a hobby. I'll continue telling stories because it is fun for me. If anyone else enjoys them, that's just a nice bonus.
I'm not saying that I'll never commercially publish a story again, but I'll think twice (or an appropriate multiple thereof) before doing so.
Over and out. :)"

Further Readings:

Perception: A German Love Story by Mario K. Lipinski
Kindle Edition, 281 pages
Published April 30th 2012 by Mario K. Lipinski
edition language English

Marcel Ritter is an excellent pupil at a German school, has two loyal, best friends, and caring parents.
Still, his life is far from being perfect.
He is the bullying victim of Tim ‘Dumb’ Eschner, soccer hunk and the school’s official dimwit.
When the vice principal witnesses one of Tim’s assaults, Marcel’s problems seem to be solved at last. But his good nature and his fast tongue get him into more trouble than he would prefer.
Forced to work together, they both discover that there is more to the other one than meets the eye.
A feel-good story about change, forgiveness, and love.

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Tags: euro pride con

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