elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

2015 Rainbow Awards Submission: The Interpretation of Love and the Truth by Barbara Winkes

The Interpretation of Love and the Truth by Barbara Winkes
Lesbian Contemporary Romance
Paperback: 146 pages
Publisher: Eternal Press (December 1, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1629291889
ISBN-13: 978-1629291888
Amazon: The Interpretation of Love and the Truth
Amazon Kindle: The Interpretation of Love and the Truth

Sometimes, the best laid plans are not. Chelsea and Gail are engaged to get married. Their relationship is safe, comfortable, and without conflict. According to Tonya Gray, it also lacks the passion one should feel for the person you commit to for the rest of your life. Chelsea may not trust her because Tonya broke her heart three years ago. As the date nears, Chelsea has to figure out if love means what she has with her fiancée, or what she could have with the woman she cannot forget.

2015 Rainbow Awards Guidelines: http://www.elisarolle.com/rainbowawards/rainbow_awards_2015.html

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Tags: rainbow awards 2015

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