elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

GRL: Anna Zabo

Starting from June 1, 2015, I will daily feature authors attending the three conventions I will join, Euro Pride in Munich (July), UK Meet in Bristol (September) and GRL in San Diego (October).

For the GRL in San Diego, October 15-18, 2015, today author is Anna Zabo: Anna Zabo writes erotic paranormal romance and fantasy. She lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, which isn’t nearly as boring as most people think. A lover of all things fae, and wonderful, she looks for the magical in the cracks of her city. We have hills. And trees. And rivers. And trains And I can see all these things from my office window.

She has a MFA in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University and a BA in Creative Writing from Carnegie Mellon University.

She reviews books under her non-pen name, since she's been on GR under that name since 2007...

In real life, she does not talk about herself in third person, though she did date a guy who did that.

Further Readings:

Just Business by Anna Zabo
Publisher: InterMix (June 16, 2015)
Amazon Kindle: Just Business

From the thriling new author of Takeover, a steamy new novel about having all the control—and losing it…

Justin White may not look like an up and coming corporate superstar, but his new boss knows he has the smarts, grit, and determination to succeed. Now he just has to convince his company’s CFO, Eli Ovadia. Unfortunately, Justin can’t seem to keep his cool around the domineering Eli—and soon he finds himself taking their heat from the boardroom into the bedroom….

Still haunted by a tragic accident that left him with a wounded leg and broken heart, Eli has a need to be in control. But his desire for Justin makes him want to lose that control—and push them both far beyond their limits. But will his need to dominate Justin drive him away—or will Eli find a way to be the man he needs for both of them?

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Tags: gayromlit

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