elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

2015 Rainbow Awards Honorable Mention: Subjection (Demoted, Book One) by Alicia Cameron

Subjection (Demoted, Book One) by Alicia Cameron
Gay Sci-Fi / Futuristic
Series: Demoted
Paperback: 222 pages
Publisher: Fantastic Fiction Publishing (April 27, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1622342259
ISBN-13: 978-1622342259
Amazon: Subjection (Demoted, Book One)
Amazon Kindle: Subjection (Demoted, Book One)

In a world where intellect and achievement are valued above all else, a young man risks everything to save his brother from a life of slavery. Thrown into a harsh, unyielding world where slaves are treated as less than animals, Sascha struggles to come to terms with everything he knows being ripped away from him, but a life of success could never prepare him for his life as one of the Demoted. Sinking lower and lower, Sascha begins to lose hope, but the whim of a mysterious, wealthy man has the potential to change all that. Cashiel has a dark history that he guards carefully. Between family and business and politics, he rarely has time for a slave, much less a lover. But when he sees a young man who reminds him of the very history he is trying to escape, he makes an impulse decision that he’s not sure whether to regret or not. The slave could expose everything, or he could be the most valuable asset that Cashiel has ever acquired. Cashiel and Sascha share desires, hopes, and a home. Each man is limited by status, hindered by history, and desperate to succeed. The question is, will that be enough?

Usually first person not my cup of tea, but I enjoyed the story.

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Tags: rainbow awards 2015

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