elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

2015 Rainbow Awards Honorable Mention: Undone by E.M. Hodge

Undone by E.M. Hodge
Lesbian Poetry
Paperback: 142 pages
Publisher: Sapphire Books Publishing (November 15, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1939062772
ISBN-13: 978-1939062772
Amazon: Undone
Amazon Kindle: Undone

Undone is a love story told in verse. It is a journey of two women out of loneliness, to friendship, lust, love, and finally moving in together. Hopefully, you will experience these poems as instances of sensuous experience in words spoken aloud with a lover.

I must admit I like reading and writing poetry so I truly enjoyed this book.

Ms. Hodge's bare yet full verse of Undone was a delight to read.  The pages flew by, as her sparse wording opened a new world with each line, each page, each verse.  Re-reading, as I may do several times with poetry, this begged nearly daily re-reading to glean what appears on the surface to be plain, bursts as a peacock's tail in visual and visceral panorama.  While training for a triathlon, Ms. Hodges was severely injured forcing her to retire from her tenure track position.  Her outlook is one that I share--though one chapter ends, there are a variety of other options available. My she long be long in her newest endeavor as a wonderfully insightful poetess.

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Tags: rainbow awards 2015

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