elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

2015 Rainbow Awards Submission: Editing Life by Sandy Dugger

Editing Life by Sandy Dugger
Lesbian Contemporary Romance
Paperback: 342 pages
Publisher: Sapphire Books Publishing (December 1, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1939062799
ISBN-13: 978-1939062796
Amazon: Editing Life
Amazon Kindle: Editing Life

Bailey Hutsell ran from her best friend for fear of a broken heart. After ten years in the Navy, she returns to the home where she grew up. While attempting to acclimate to civilian life, she has to juggle a new job, her sister's health, a new group of friends, and the heartache of having to see her best friend start dating someone new. Shayla Horton has buried herself in her bookstore and the escape that her books provide. She didn't think she would survive when her best friend ditched their high school plans and joined the Navy. Now she has to deal with Bailey returning to her life. Her emotions are in turmoil; one moment, she wants to throttle her best friend, and in the next moment, she longs to pull her close and never let her go. A new woman helps her try to avoid those feelings. Can the women move forward with friendship? Will their attempt to write a new future allow them to withstand the trials life throws at them?

2015 Rainbow Awards Guidelines: http://www.elisarolle.com/rainbowawards/rainbow_awards_2015.html

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Tags: rainbow awards 2015

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