Paperback: 222 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 2 edition (January 10, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1523246529
ISBN-13: 978-1523246526
Amazon: Acts of Passion
Amazon Kindle: Acts of Passion
BLURB: When a man is found in his apartment, appearing to have committed hara kiri with a samurai sword, Boston Homicide Detective Jack Cade suspects more is going on than what it appears. The department’s criminal profiler has left and a new guy is taking his place. At first, Cade is skeptical of Dr. Michael Di Santo. Di Santo seems so absent-minded and too neurotic to be effective. But he is brilliant and hot and Cade finds himself falling hard and fast, both in lust and in love. The attraction is mutual, although Michael's past demons haunt him, keeping him from getting too close. Together, they begin to unravel Michael's emotional knots even as they close in on a killer, another brilliant, wily person whose sights are now set on Michael.
Robert Green was weak. Too weak to live. Not physically of course, his killer thought as he labored over the verses of Green’s death poem, but morally, spiritually. Bereft. Stupid. Not what a man should be. A man should die with dignity. End it all before showing the world his defeat. And Green was defeated. He had no interest in rising again. What kind of world was it, full of such people?
Of course, he couldn’t rid the world of all such people, but there were situations in which he could act.
The death poem was ready. All great warriors composed one before dying. He counted the syllables, painstakingly set in proper tanka form. After several hours of intellectual and spiritual labor, he could set down his pen and take a rest. He shook his head. Green was so ineffectual and stupid that only his death could be performed with dignity. His life had been shit. He was a worm with a man’s body.
He sighed. Perhaps someday he would find the one, the warrior who would walk by his side. The one he would not live without. Once he was found, they would die together, their souls fused in Heaven for eternity. Until then, he had his mission.
Forcing down his hatred for Green, he rose from his desk and continued the preparations. A white kimono, a tray, a tanto—samurai’s knife, the handle beautifully woven, the blade, fashioned by a great sword maker of the Tokugawa Era. Layer upon layer of steel, honed and folded until it could shave a brick without a scratch on its shiny surface. Green’s favorite meal was cooking in the kitchen. The smells of broiling meat made his mouth water. Filet mignon. Such expensive taste for such a stupid and small-minded individual. It would be his last.
Yes, Green wouldn’t have to worry any longer about his inability to face the world. Not after tonight.
He was going out the way a man should.
With honor and dignity.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Award-winning, multi-published author of erotic romance, Sedonia Guillone spends her days writing deliciously naughty romances—when she’s not cuddling with the man she loves or watching kung fu and samurai films and eating chocolate.
Sedonia welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email address on her author bio page at www.sedoniaguillone.com.
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