elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

Blog Tour: American Flyboy by N.D. Clark

American Flyboy by N.D. Clark
Release Date: December 5, 2015
Publisher: N.D. Clark
Amazon Kindle: American Flyboy

Blurb: American Flyboy is a highly readable, erotic M/M romance set amidst the backdrop of World War II.

The story is fast-paced and characterized by the believability of its characters, notably the protagonist, Lt. Kenneth Hellman, and the romance that develops between Kenneth and Colonel Wilhelm Braun. The erotic reader in search of well-nuanced, sexy love/lovemaking scenes will not be disappointed; the author is gifted with an affinity toward creating realistic, absorbing sex scenes.

Excerpt from American Flyboy:

Wilhelm whispered in soft breaths, “Raise your hands above your head, Kenneth.” Standing behind him, he pulled the grimy POW uniform top over his head and inhaled deeply. “I find your scent intoxicating.” It was unexpected, Wilhelm’s warm breath gently caressing the nape of his neck; Kenneth’s breath quickened. Loosening the silk blindfold, Wilhelm allowed the soft, smooth fabric to glide over Kenneth’s massive, broad shoulders tapering to a V-shaped torso and down his naked back.
Shuddering at the sleek sensations, Kenneth asked, “Are you trying to seduce me Wilhelm?”
In response, Wilhelm stepped closer and pressed his body into Kenneth’s. Wrapping his arms around his waist, Wilhelm kissed him innocently. “I’ve wanted to do that from the first day we met.”
Kenneth kissed him back softly, lingering. He felt safe and whole.
Coaxing Kenneth’s lips apart, Wilhelm’s tongue entered his mouth, tickling the sensitive palate with light flicks. Their lips crushed together with bruising kisses. Wilhelm broke away, gazing longingly into Kenneth’s eyes. “To answer your question, Kenneth, I am guilty of feeding a wounded POW a wonderful meal, relieving his pain with fine brandy, delighting him with romantic music and drawing him a hot relaxing bath of chamomile salts to soak away the stress of a bad day. Your glass is empty. Why don’t you finish undressing and ease into your bath while I get you another drink.” Wilhelm’s voice trailed off as he left the bathroom. “It’s baffling how you arrived at such an audacious conclusion as seduction.”
“My mistake,” Kenneth called after him, laughing to himself. He kicked off his dilapidated work shoes and pushed his boxers and grungy work pants down his long, muscular legs. Raking his strong fingers through the water, heightened the aroma of chamomile, and he inhaled the relaxing scent before slipping into the warm liquid heaven. His tired muscles released their tension as he submerged his body to the neck. Kenneth held his breath and slipped his head under. As he closed his eyes, his exhaustion seemed to float to the surface, and his thoughts drifted to Wilhelm, charming, handsome, tall and strong. His cock swelled to a full erection as he surfaced and rested his head against the back edge of the tub. Wiping the water from his eyes, he inhaled deeply and faded into sleep.

Meet the author: N.D.Clark was born in Biloxi, MS and educated at NC State University. He is an American author who loves reading and writing gay romance/erotica set in historical backgrounds and spending time with his husband Jim, going for long walks in nature parks, dining out and taking in the occasional movie. He has been with his husband, Jim for almost sixteen years and was married two years ago, shortly have the US Supreme Court ruling allowing gay marriage throughout the United States.

"I was born in Biloxi, MS and educated at NC State University. I’m an American author who loves reading and writing gay romance/erotica set in historical backgrounds and spending time with my husband Jim, going for long walks in nature parks, dining out and taking in the occasional movie. I’ve been with my husband, Jim for almost sixteen years, and we were married two years ago, shortly have the US Supreme Court ruling allowing gay people to marry throughout the United States.
American Flyboy is my first book and it is a highly readable, erotic M/M romance set amidst the backdrop of World War II."

1) Why do you write?
It’s a high for me. A whole book that started out as a firefly of an idea just floating around in my head and then developed into a one-sentence tagline, a premise, the synopsis and finally a full-fledged novel.

2) Which of your books was the most difficult to write?
Well, since American Flyboy is my first and only book so far, I have to say that one.

3) Give us an insight into your main character. What does he/she do that is so special?
Kenneth Hellman is an American fighter pilot during WWII who’s been on many missions over Germany, escorting American bombers. Just before his fighter is hit by German flak, he scores two kills on German Messerschmitts, the same ones that had just shot down two American B-24 bombers, killing all twenty airmen, two of which are his best friends; these kills instantly propel him to hero status, because he not only avenges the deaths of his friends, but in doing so, he becomes an ace. Somewhere in the life and death experiences of being shot down, captured and interrogated by the enemy, Kenneth loses his virginity and has a lot of fun doing that, but he decides that life is not for him and then finally meets the one he will love forever, his German commandant.

4) How much research do you do for your books?
American Flyboy took a ton of research. I tried to be as historically accurate as possible, which required at lot of reading. I had to learn about simple, everyday things like the types of liquor and cigarettes that were popular then to the various modes of transportation like German troop carriers and various German words and phrases.
The more complex things I researched were the fighter planes and bombers from that the WWII era and the times and places of Allied and Axis troop placements and movements. And finally, a lot of research went into the POW camp in which Kenneth is eventually interned, Stalag VIII-B in Lamsdorf, Poland.

6) Who designs your covers?

Where to find the author:
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1OS68Dl
Facebook Author Page: http://on.fb.me/1OS68Dl
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NDClark13
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/blaze_raleigh/
Other: https://www.tumblr.com/dashboard
Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14741496.N_D_Clark

Tour Dates & Stops:
3-Feb Happily Ever Chapter, Alpha Book Club, Mikky's World of Books
10-Feb Unquietly Me, Book Lovers 4Ever, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents
17-Feb MM Good Book Reviews
24-Feb Elisa - My Reviews and Ramblings, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words
2-Mar Love Bytes, BFD Book Blog
9-Mar 3 Chicks After Dark, Inked Rainbow Reads, Prism Book Alliance
16-Mar Divine Magazine, Bayou Book Junkie
23-Mar Havan Fellows, My Fiction Nook, Foxylutely Book Reviews

Rafflecopter Prize: PDF copy of ‘American Flyboy’ by N.D. Clark
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Tags: excerpt, giveaway, news release

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