Gay Contemporary Romance
Paperback: 134 pages
Publisher: Manifold Press (January 30, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1908312807
ISBN-13: 978-1908312808
Amazon: The ‘True Love’ Solution
Amazon Kindle: The ‘True Love’ Solution
Jules Madigan loves his family and he loves his job. The only thing he’s missing out on is a Happy Ever After, like the ones written by his favourite romance author Ewan Byge. While he’s waiting for that HEA, Jules indulges himself in buying Ewan’s old typewriter as memorabilia – before realising he’s been defrauded. Through the fraud case, he makes friends with Police Constable Leonard Edgar – and through Leonard, Jules even gets to meet and work with Ewan Byge Himself! But the course of True Love never did run smooth, and soon Jules has to face some harsh realities.
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