elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

2016 Rainbow Awards Honorable Mention: Prince of the Playhouse by Tara Lain (76-04-07-2016)

1) While the plot had brief moments of predictability, the author was able to avoid most resolutions I assumed were coming. What I truly enjoyed about the book was the world building and the characters. I wanted to exist in the world the book was built on--never mind the characters. Ms. Lain's real skill comes into play with the chemistry she brings to life between her characters, main and supporting. They have emotions and motivations that make sense, follow logically, and the plot supports the development and the growth of the characters. Her methods are easily digestible and enjoyable to read.

2) Flawless. I loved how Ru's crush on his big-screen hero almost immediately started to mature after he met the man in person. Lain kept their relationship firmly rooted in real life, despite all the theater in their lives. Recommended.

Prince of the Playhouse (Love in Laguna #3) by Tara Lain
Gay Contemporary Romance
Paperback: 240 pages
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (April 4, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1632169630
ISBN-13: 978-1632169631
Amazon: Prince of the Playhouse (Love in Laguna #3)
Amazon Kindle: Prince of the Playhouse (Love in Laguna #3)

"A Love in Laguna Novel"

Driven by his desire to become a successful fashion designer and concerned with hiding his questionable past, Ru Maitland has let obsession with action movie star Gray Anson on the big screen replace his social life. Then obsession and reality collide when Ru is asked to design fashion costumes for a special performance of Hamlet at the Playhouse in Laguna starring none other than Gray Anson. Gray turns out to be a compelling mix of shy and brash and, despite a high profile engagement to a female socialite, the signals Gray sends Ru have his libido doing the salsa.

Gray Anson has what most people only dream of great wealth, huge fame, a job he loves. For that, he s given up any semblance of privacy and the right to say no to the thousands of people who depend on him and the millions who love him. He sees everything he s ever wanted just outside the bubble of his life, but how can he make the compromises needed to embrace it? When Ru s shady past crashes into Gray s paparazzi-haunted present, both men have to learn that sometimes the only acceptable compromise is the truth."

Rainbow Awards Guidelines: http://www.elisarolle.com/rainbowawards/rainbow_awards_2016.html

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Tags: rainbow awards 2016

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