elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

Blog Tour: The Case of the Thwarted Lovers (Mark Julian, Vampire P.I. #6) by L.G. Fabbo-Gonnella

The Case of the Thwarted Lovers (Mark Julian, Vampire P.I. #6) by L.G. Fabbo-Gonnella
Publisher: Ai Press
Amazon Kindle: The Case of the Thwarted Lovers (Mark Julian, Vampire P.I. #6)

Synopsis: It’s been a long shift for Detective Vincent Pasquale. Back at his desk at the station he finds a phone message from his vampire spouse, Mark, waiting for him.
"Hi. I figured calling your station phone number was more secure than using a cell. Listen our friend Dexter found something about who may have tried to frame Jean-Claude. Turns out that there is a lot more to this thing! It’s big. Jean-Claude and Jaime are meeting me here before we all head over to see Tortego at his offices. We should be there in a half hour and we figure this meeting will run most of the day. If you can join us fine but if not I’ll tell you about it later after your shift is over. Call me.”
A few moments later a report comes into the station about a possible terrorist bomb explosion at a Midtown office building. No survivors are reported. To his horror Vinnie realizes the bombsite’s address is the exact location of Tortego’s offices. In a panic Vinnie rushes to the scene where, out of nowhere, he is shot from behind by an unknown assailant. Its’ four funerals and a wedding, as the newest Julian book unfolds.


In a small walk up in New York’s Hells Kitchen an increasingly panicky Dexter paced the small room. The young looking vampire was terrified. He knew what was in the report he had given to Mark. He also understood what that information meant. Now Mark, along with everyone else, was dead. He stared at his cell phone, refusing to answer its insistent ringing. From the screen he observed who was calling him. As a member of the New York City supernatural council’s security force it was his duty to report to headquarters especially now that its chief executive was dead. Even though he had been temporarily assigned to work for Jean-Claude, the werewolf’s murder had clearly terminated that arraignment. So far he had not called in for duty and his superiors were reaching out. He was fearful that whomever had killed his boss, Tortego, as well as the others might now be hunting for him.
Reporting in to the barracks might expose him to danger if the killer worked in security too. The cell rang again. Finally he made a fast decision. He threw in some clothes in a bag and then raced out of his apartment to hide out at his lover Billy’s place on 23rd street and 9th Avenue. “No one will think of looking for me at a human’s home,” he nervously assured himself. He used one of his untraceable disposable cell phones to call Billy at the Letter Lounge where the latter worked as a server. Quickly he filled Billy in on his request.
“No problem, Dex. Just come by work and I’ll give you my house key.” Billy agreeably said to the much-relieved young vampire.
As he slipped into the nearby subway entrance to get a train for Chelsea, Dexter thought of his dead friends. Whoever did this may have left a computer trail, he told himself. If so, I’ll find it and do something to avenge them.

Prizes: 2 bundles of Books One, Two, and Three in the Mark Julian, Vampire P.I. Series
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/d3e3d66a77/

More in the Mark Julian, Vampire P.I. Series
While each individual mystery can be read as a stand along, there are storylines that continue from one book to another, so we recommend you use the series in order:
Book One – The Case of the Choirboy Killer, Amazon Kindle: Book One – The Case of the Choirboy Killer
Book Two – The Case of the Strega’s Touch, Amazon Kindle: Book Two – The Case of the Strega’s Touch
Book Three – The Case of the Heavenly Host, Amazon Kindle: Book Three – The Case of the Heavenly Host
Book Four – The Case of the Vampire Hunter, Amazon Kindle: Book Four – The Case of the Vampire Hunter
Book Five – The Case No One Foretold, Amazon Kindle: Book Five – The Case No One Foretold

About the author: L.G.Fabbo-Gonnella is a resident of NYC. He has often said Manhattan is the underlying unspoken character in many of his books. “I guess it’s a love affair that I have with her,” he once said. “I could live here forever and yet still find magical things about her that I never knew existed.”
When not seeking out interesting new locales for his books he can be found dinning with friends and enjoying all the city he adores has to offer.
Though he has not yet met the supernatural denizens of NYC, he does hope too one day. And yes, there is a “letter Lounge” albeit under a different name.

He can be reached at L.G.Fabbo.Gonnella@gmail.co
Facebook: https://facebook.com/Mystery-writings-of-LG-Fabbo-Gonnella
Website: http://fabbo-gonnella.blogspot.com

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Tags: excerpt, giveaway, news release

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