Publisher: Michele Micheal Rakes (January 25, 2016)
Amazon Kindle: Freeing His Mercenary (Mercenary In Love Book 3)
Blurb: Detective Sergeant Vincent Sweetwater hates dead bodies. That’s why he’s an undercover narc and not a homicide dick. So why is he standing on a sandy beach in California staring at a lifeless body—oh yeah, the suicide attempt. Lieutenant Hanson is making a statement. Something about life worth living. Shows what he knows.
As Vince examines the tortured body, he feels an empathy and déjà vu for the victim, her wounds are similar to scars he has only a vague memory receiving. An intense desire to find her killer fills his queasy belly as a dark game of cat and mouse begins.
The young woman’s death forces Vince back into a secret life dominated by sex, perversion, and sadomasochism. Estranged from his wife he still loves and longing for the man who possessed him once, Vince buries his torment deep inside meaningless sex.
*Warning: This book contains adult content and situations. NOT FOR THE SQUEAMISH.
Vincent Sweetwater twisted the Harley’s throttle. The power in the motor thrummed between his legs. The bike seemed heavy, angry; like she wanted to fall flat on her face. Like she yearned to drag him across the gritty asphalt. Vince needed to feel the pavement shred his clothing and bite into his skin. Punishment for being a man who thrived on suffering.
Why can’t I control myself, damn it?
-You’re supposed to be one of the good guys.
Fuck off.
-Stop drinking, Sweetwater.
Vince envisioned choking the life out of his conscience. The damn thing made it difficult to be an asshole, yet somehow he didn't let it stop him. Nothing stopped him from being a dick to his wife. Vince squeezed the throttle. The speed would numb his mind.
The machine growled beneath him, giving her two fucking cents, and he ignored the wanton slut. Vince was too malicious to give her what she craved. If he did, there would be no turning back.
Still, the iron bitch demanded more power. Urged by a quiet whisper from somewhere in the darkness of his mind, Vince let off the throttle long enough to grasp the clutch and toe it into sixth.

Note: Wife recently passed away from cancer and this book is dedicated in loving memory of Mary Louise Castleman. Love you babe!
"I’m a Pacific Northwest native who loves to ride a Harley. I’ve been writing since I was small. My first novel, Trainwreck and subsequently the sequel, Surviving Adam were written in 2010, but were not my first publications. Saving Kane was the first, followed by Fourth and Long. There are two more to that series in progress. Trainwreck was a large novel. Epic and dark, but I wanted people to really know the man inside Vincent Sweetwater, so I had to make this anti-hero somehow lovable. I think I achieved that goal, but I won’t know until I release the final book in late August, 2016. The first two are out and three is in post-production, as it were, and I’m going for a June release. I’ve been put a bit behind schedule. Actually, all books are written, but I don’t take editing lightly.
Trainwreck is a five part series about a man addicted to sex. A psychological thriller, Trainwreck takes you into the mind of a killer and his survivor, forever tied together in a twisted dance of sex, BDSM, and abuse. There’s a fine line between love and lust and crazy. Trainwreck explores Vince’s hidden desires and his sexuality. He’s a man on a tragic path who must find a killer before the bastard takes one more life, and he must do it while keeping his own suicidal ass in check. Funny, tragic, and poignant. He’s so broken, all there is left for him to do is put the pieces of himself back together, and just when he thinks he can’t get crushed any further, the killer strikes again.
*This is a menage/poly, but if you can imagine the combinations, then you’re in for a treat."
List the first five things you would do if you suddenly had millions of dollars.
The first thing I would do is create the Mary Louise Castleman Fund to raise money to help low income cancer patients and for research toward a cure for cancer. Then I would take care of my family. From there, I’ve always wanted to live a year in the highlands of Scotland. I’m a pretty simple person. I wish I could write full time and perhaps the money would help me do that, but I can honestly say…I’d spend it on everyone else. College funds for the grandchildren. College for my son. I’d love to be able to give my kids and grandkids nice things. Most of all, I’d trade every last penny to have Mary back, to have my wife back, and riding her Harley. Instead, I’ll just have to wait until the next life to see her again.
Where to find the author:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/michelerakes1
Facebook Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/michelemichealrakes
Twitter: @MicheleRakes
Blog: www.michelerakes.wordpress.com
Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/28644673-trainwreck

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