elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

2016 Rainbow Awards Honorable Mention: Tempest by Cari Z. (140-06-10-2016)

1) A compelling, well-crafted, well-written book. The author has a true gift for story-telling, making the most seemingly everyday occurences into this smooth flow you don't want to get out of - and you notice only in hindsight that what seemed mundane was actually the author sneakily weaving her plot. And when the occurences are not everyday? It's breathtaking, literally, and you have to applaud a writer you can do action and urgency just as well as despair and despondency. And on top of that: beautiful, complex, multi-faceted charaters, each carrying his or her own story and secrets, some of which are revealed, some of which are only hinted at. Marvellous and fascinating and utterly brilliant. You could say I enjoyed this book - despite the warnings it came with - and you would not be wrong. (It really was that good).

2) I found my self totally immersed in this very different story of the sea and the creatures that live in the deep. Intense at times, bizarre yet imaginative beyond anything I have read recently.

Tempest by Cari Z.
Gay Fantasy Romance
Paperback: 304 pages
Publisher: Samhain Publishing, Ltd. (April 5, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1619234262
ISBN-13: 978-1619234260
Amazon: Tempest
Amazon Kindle: Tempest

Love can change a soul. But can it save one life?

Colm Weathercliff is a simple fisherman with an uncanny-some might say preternatural-knack for his trade. He thought leaving his small village to take his father's ashes to the capital city of Caithmor for a proper burial would be the grandest adventure of his life.

At first, all his hopes seem to be fulfilled. He finds a home where he's accepted without question, the freedom to use his talent to its fullest effect, and love with Nichol, a man with a longing for the sea as powerful as Colm's.

But Caithmor holds as many dangers as it does attractions. Colm's greatest secret turns out to be a dark revelation that gets him and his family shunned-and changes everything he thought he knew about himself.

The truth-about his parentage, his gift, even his physical form-could poison his chance for love. And doom both him and Nichol to a gruesome, inescapable fate.

Rainbow Awards Guidelines: http://www.elisarolle.com/rainbowawards/rainbow_awards_2016.html

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Tags: rainbow awards 2016

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