elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

2016 Rainbow Awards Honorable Mention: Highland Hearts by J.P. Bowie (190-07-21-2016)

I enjoyed the way in which the author unfolded both parts of the story. The characters were interesting, the MCs worked well together, and the hint of paranormal was just enough to let the MCs and the reader drew their own conclusions - perfect. It was easy to visualise the settings especially the house which was really a character in its own right. Very easy to read, flowing writing style.

Highland Hearts by J.P. Bowie
Gay Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Pride Publishing (July 12, 2016)
Amazon Kindle: Highland Hearts

Callum Robertson has inherited his grandfather’s mansion in northern Scotland, but the house comes with a history he knew nothing about—should he be thrilled, or feel threatened as the house seems to lure him in?

When Callum Robertson first sees the old Scottish country mansion his grandfather bequeathed him, his immediate instinct is to sell the antiquated pile for whatever he can get for it—admittedly not much in a downturned market. Then he meets Craig MacPherson, a local farmer with auburn curls and sparkling gray eyes, and suddenly the gloomy old house doesn’t look quite the white elephant it first appeared to be.

Craig tells Callum that it’s rumored the house is haunted but by what or whom no one seems to know. Books flying off shelves then being mysteriously replaced give Callum pause to reconsider his rejection of the idea of an actual ghost haunting the place. When he finds a journal relating to the history of his family, he is, by turn, intrigued then fascinated as the saga unfolds through the writings of his ancestors.

An encounter with what he feels must be the spirit of his great-great-great-uncle Alistair makes him change his mind not only about selling the house, but also about his future with Craig.

Rainbow Awards Guidelines: http://www.elisarolle.com/rainbowawards/rainbow_awards_2016.html

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