This, for me, was written as a fairy tail with self discovery. I enjoyed reading about Alexey, and the safety of his place. The author starts to peel back the layers of Alexey; transforming from him a happy, almost child-like man, to a man who is happy in the decisions he makes and lives well within this own skin.

Asexual Fantasy
Series: The Zhakieve Chronicles
Paperback: 198 pages
Publisher: Less Than Three Press (August 30, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1620046296
ISBN-13: 978-1620046296
Amazon: Alexey Dyed in Red (The Zhakieve Chronicles #1)
Amazon Kindle: Alexey Dyed in Red (The Zhakieve Chronicles #1)
A century has passed since warlock Alexey arrived in Kalinstad, chased across the ocean and dying from fever. His memories of what brought him to such a state were lost; since then he passed his days quietly, buried deep in the snowy mountains in a place rarely visited by outsiders. His life of peace is brought to a sudden halt with the arrival of two Darkrow, sent by the Blue Emperor to unravel a mystery they will not explain. More than mere Darkrow, they are demons, dangerous and cold, but also beautiful and fascinating in the way they touch and cling and silently watch. When they offer Alexey a chance to become a Darkrow, he accepts—and his whole world falls apart.
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