1) I enjoyed this fantasy novel a lot. The world was original and well described, likewise the characters. I felt as if I were in the castle, feeling the drafts down the long corridors and shivering at the dark stairway to the tower. I could see the plot twist coming, but it was none the worse for that - the revelation that the love interest was the master all along was satisfying. The only things that weren't quite perfect were the brief sections away from the castle, which felt like diversions and just in there to ramp up the angst prior to the happy ending. A good introduction to a new author for me, though.
2) This is a four star story. I like the character of Ash. The book had a spec fic / fantasy feel. The blurb provided: In a world covered by a deadly miasma, humans survive by way of the protection of powerful mages known as Keepers. In the town of Ravenhearth, the Keeper requests a companion every ten years. What happens to them after those ten years, no one knows, for none has ever returned. I did feel that there could have been more world building and more explanation about the system of Keepers and some backstory on the miasma. The dialogue was on point, and the story moved quickly. It was a good read and would recommend for anyone looking for an MM romance with a spec fic/fantasy story line.
3) This is the type of story that keeps you guessing 'til the end. Who is the real mage, Ravenhearth or Giles? Well, Without giving away the answer and spoiling the story, let's just say that it was quite the surprise to me. It had me fooled until near the end when the mystery unraveled itself. It was quite entertaining, although, sometimes I wanted to grab Ash, one of the main MCs, by the shoulders and shake the stupidity out of him. :D Well done, Lotus Oakes. This was my first book from this author. Might read more from them.

Gay Fantasy Romance
Paperback: 204 pages
Publisher: Less Than Three Press (January 11, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1620047179
ISBN-13: 978-1620047170
Amazon: Ravenhearth
Amazon Kindle: Ravenhearth
In a world covered by a deadly miasma, humans survive by way of the protection of powerful mages known as Keepers. In the town of Ravenhearth, the Keeper requests a companion from Ash's village every ten years. What happens to them after those ten years, no one knows, for none has ever returned. Ash is a young orphan who dreams of learning magic. When the newest request for a companion is posted, he volunteers. Upon his arrival, he finds the Keeper's home is nothing like the fearful whispers shared around the village. Instead, he slowly grows to be a part of the close-knit family of the Keeper's castle—and falls for Giles, the butler of Ravenhearth, rather than the man he's been sent there to attend.
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