elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

2016 Rainbow Awards: Percolation, Poetry, and Passion & Wet, Hot, Australian Cmas (409-09-06-2016)

Percolation, Poetry, and Passion & Wet, Hot, Australian Christmas (2 novellas as 1 submission) by A.V. Sanders
Gay Contemporary Romance

Percolation, Poetry, and Passion by A.V. Sanders
Publisher: Less Than Three Press, LLC (August 24, 2015)
Amazon Kindle: Percolation, Poetry, and Passion

Beckett works at a coffee shop to make ends meet while attending a prestigious university. It's not the most exciting job, but he's done it long enough he's good at it—and can avoid the tedium by spinning sexy little daydreams of things he doubts will ever happen.

Daydreams that soon include Simon, the hot, handsome, and older freelance writer who stops in one day. But then Simon becomes a regular, a bright spot more interesting than the inside of Beckett's head, and daydreams start to seem like they could be something far more tangible—if reality doesn't get in the way first.

Wet, Hot, Australian Christmas by A.V. Sanders
Publisher: Less Than Three Press, LLC (December 14, 2015)
Amazon Kindle: Wet, Hot, Australian Christmas

Reid, an American shark research scientist, is in Perth, Australia working to develop a mobile app that may revolutionize shark safety practices. But even the company of his boyfriend, Graham, isn't enough to stave off homesickness as Christmas approaches, and a missing shark and Graham's struggling business seem set to ruin the holiday for good.

Rainbow Awards Guidelines: http://www.elisarolle.com/rainbowawards/rainbow_awards_2016.html

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Tags: rainbow awards 2016

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