1) This collection of almost 60 short essays, some no more than a page or so long, others a thousand words or so, actually do add up to a remarkable look at current gay male ideas, trends, fashions, social consciousness etc. He begins with rather simple, single concept pieces, but as he continued writing on--mostly for OUT magazine-- he took on a great many more serious, even "heavier" issues such as having sex when you HIV viral load exists but is "undetectable," as well as the continued division between positive and negative guys, which won't be going away any time soon. Other concepts come Archer's way-- when to drop a once very close friend; what to expect and how to behave as a gay man in other countries ---South Africa for example. Also how to deal with--and/or avoid--unhelpful families, parents and others. It all adds up to a thinking man's compendium, and as Archer is a good, lighter writer it is always interesting and entertaining.
2) My score for Archer's Omnibus is an easy 40. What a wonderful collection of stories. Jesse Archer is a master at the written word. His prose is rich and captivating. His essays are beautiful and provocative. I enjoyed every word, every page, of this collection.
3) Like many collections, some superb pieces and some uninteresting. A good read in small doses.
4) Archer's prose is both sophisticated and edgy and the vignettes themselves are so organic so genuine, it’s easy to lose yourself in the reading of them. Most importantly, they are also very entertaining. While I would recommend this book to anyone, gay men in particular will be able to lose themselves in nostalgia, and why not? They were after all, there.

Gay Non Fiction
Publication Date: August 28, 2016
Amazon Kindle: Archer's Omnibus of Oddities, Mischievous Exploits & Sundry Tales of Insubordination: A Queer Collection of Essays
Jesse Archer spins his most shocking escapades into short editorial that is sometimes salacious, often incendiary, and always irreverent. From Manhattan to Burning Man to North Dakota's Corn Palace, follow the totally true adventures of a gay man with a lot to learn. This volume includes a decade's worth of outrageous tales which may involve black sheep, masculine bottoms, forbidden fruit, sex parties, suicide, AIDS cures, prison pen pals, Fire Island survivors, a high school hero, and how to ruin your best friend's wedding.
Rainbow Awards Guidelines: http://www.elisarolle.com/rainbowawards/r
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