Publisher: Love in Dark Settings Press (August 21, 2016)
Amazon Kindle: Risk (Dark Light #2)
1) Dusk Peterson has written a series of compelling short stories sent in ancient times when the love for another man was prohibited and sentenced by death. These are well written and quite entertaining. There are a few of these stories I wouldn't mind if they were extended and given a wider view. Well done!
2) Really nice stories with interesting plots. Mostly character driven, with a hint of plot to push things along. A lot of the intercharacter relationships really shine in this anthology. Excellent. The author took a lot of care with the setting in which these stories are developed. While I normally find weakness when an author borrows a setting in which to set their stories (and initially I was concerned about the author lifting the state of Maryland), I found that I enjoyed the changes and twists the author made, essentially taking Maryland and making it their own. I can really appreciate a lot of the painstaking research the author did, and think this part of their stories really shined. These are people, not just characters. They each have their own unique voice as much as they can and you get that feel while reading these stories. Excellent. Really well done; a nice balance of being inside the character's head and explaining what's going on. Sometimes, a bit of tell, but generally well balanced with some show to it. Great job. Recommended for consideration for an award.
2) The Servant Duchess Of Whitcomb (Scandalous Whispers Of the Remmington Realm #2) by Vicktor Alexander - Gender: Transgender - Genre: Alternative Universe/Reality
3) Staged by Kim Fielding - Gender: Gay - Genre: Alternative Universe/Reality

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