elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

2016 Rainbow Awards: Best Gay Historical

And the Rainbow Award goes to:

1. Across Your Dreams by Jay Lewis Taylor - Gender: Gay - Genre: Historical
Publisher: Manifold Press (May 1, 2016)
Amazon Kindle: Across Your Dreams

1) What a beautiful book! It is full of vivid imagery, well-drawn and unique characters, and the story--oh, so heartbreaking but yet appropriate for the times. War is hell, and it took its toll on the young men caught up in it. I felt like I was there with Alan, Lew and Russ, experiencing what they did right alongside them. I reveled in their stolen moments together with their beloveds, and cried for their devastating losses. This story will definitely stick with me for a very long time. I loved it. All the points.

2) I awarded top marks to this book because I thoght the writing was exceptional. I was transported back in time to the Great War. The sense of time and place were outstanding. The language of the book perfectly fitted the setting and the lives and opinions of the characters all felt true to time and place. An exceptional read.

3) This is a convincing, well-researched historical novel about a very closeted network of gay men who don't have access to a community of like-minded people. The homophobia of the surrounding society is extreme, and so is their anxiety about sexual contact with other men, including kissing. The drama of warfare and the great flu epidemic, which together destroyed millions of lives, all seem true to life, and they could hardly be exaggerated. As a historical novel, this book is a solid achievement.

4) Touching and tender love story. A very real sense of the time and place. Excellent story.

2. Games of Rome (Dominus #2) by J. P. Kenwood - Gender: Gay - Genre: Historical
3. Lessons for Sleeping Dogs by Charlie Cochrane - Gender: Gay - Genre: Historical

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Tags: rainbow awards 2016

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