elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

Henri Châtin Hofmann (May 25, 1900 - January 7, 1961)

Born: May 25, 1900, Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Died: January 7, 1961, Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Spouse: Anita Berber (m. 1924–1928)
People also search for: Anita Berber, Sebastian Droste, Eberhard von Nathusius

Henri Châtin Hofmann (1900-1961) was an American dancer. Hofmann was one of the four children and the only son of German-American pastor of Zion Church Julius Hofmann (1865-1928) and his wife Adele, born Châtin. At his confirmation in 1915, he insisted to change his name and took the maiden name of his mother as a middle name. In the 1920s, he went to Berlin. Here in 1924 he married (lavender marriage since Hofmann was gay) dancer Anita Berber. He was her third husband. In Berlin, she caused a stir with a completely naked live dance performance in a screening of Dante's “Divine Comedy” at the Capitol-Lichtspielhaus. Together the couple took tours overshadowed by scandals, with their program of erotic and ecstasy dances until Anita Berber, in 1928, collapsed in Damascus and died four months later in Berlin. Klaus Mann empatheticly described the couple in his obituary of Anita Berber in the magazine " The Stage " (1930). Henri returned back to the US and tried his own career as a creative dancer. For many years he spent time as a patient in Spring Grove, a State Hospital in Baltimore, where he died. He is buried in the Western Cemetery (3001 Edmondson Ave, Baltimore, MD 21223).

Queer Places, Vol. 1 edited by Elisa Rolle
ISBN-13: 978-1532901904
ISBN-10: 1532901909
Release Date: July 24, 2016
CreateSpace Store: https://www.createspace.com/6228297
Amazon (print): http://www.amazon.com/dp/1532901909/?tag=elimyrevandra-20
Amazon (kindle): http://www.amazon.com/dp/B01IZ1BU9K/?tag=elimyrevandra-20

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Tags: queer places

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