LGBT - Anthology / Collection / Fantasy
File Size: 1712 KB
Print Length: 241 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Queen of Swords Press (January 1, 2017)
Publication Date: January 1, 2017
Amazon: Out of this world: Queer Speculative Fiction Stories Catherine Lundoff
Eleven tales of the queer fantastic by award-winning author Catherine Lundoff. A bookstore clerk goes on a quest for the Norns while a couple of mercenaries wake up to some big surprises at their favorite inn. Shakespeare’s sister, Judith, forms an alliance with playwright Christopher Marlowe. A witch attempts the wrong love spell and a young prince meets an irresistible monster. Swordswomen, ghosts, the Queen of the Fay, the occasional gentleman of the evening and other unforgettable characters populate these stories rich and strange. Includes the Gaylactic Spectrum Award finalist “At the Roots of the World Tree” as well as several other stories not previously collected.
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