elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

2017 Rainbow Awards Submission: Knife's Edge: Kinky Lesbian Erotica Emily L. Byrne

Knife's Edge: Kinky Lesbian Erotica Emily L. Byrne
Lesbian - Anthology / Collection / Erotica
File Size: 1431 KB
Print Length: 147 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Queen of Swords Press (April 15, 2017)
Publication Date: April 15, 2017
Amazon: Knife's Edge: Kinky Lesbian Erotica Emily L. Byrne

12 stories about spanking, surrender and restraints and some of the fun a few inventive gals can cook up with each other. What else? There are pirates and aliens and cowgirls and the hottest meter maid you'll ever run across. Add in a vampire or two and the hottest fantasies you ever entertained about the girl's field hockey team and you’re in for one wild ride.

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Tags: rainbow awards 2017

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