elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

2017 Rainbow Awards Honorable Mention: Life Pushes You Along Emma Sterner-Radley

1) An utterly delightful read with fully-formed characters and lovely writing.
2) Absolutely stunning and charming novella about two women who couldn’t be more dissimilar who meet, discover an attraction, and proceed to make every possible awkward faux pas known to womanhood…until they figure out how not to. The writing style is deliciously devious in its sophisticated way of recreating new love angst between a young woman stuck in a work/social/life rut and a middle-aged woman whose cool demeanor and confident air belie the butterflies in her stomach. A winning page turner and lovely writing.

Life Pushes You Along Emma Sterner-Radley
Lesbian - Contemporary Romance
Paperback: 144 pages
Publisher: Heartsome Publishing (May 9, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1546404732
ISBN-13: 978-1546404736
Amazon: Life Pushes You Along Emma Sterner-Radley

The unchallenging and dull life of an assistant in a small London bookshop is where Zoe Achidi feels safe. Bored, but safe. Frequent customer, Rebecca Clare, makes Zoe's days a little brighter. But the beautiful, and impressive businesswoman in her forties seems unobtainable. Zoe's brother and her best friend are convinced that she is stuck in a rut. When they decide to meddle in Zoe's life, they manage to bring Zoe and Rebecca together. It soon becomes obvious that Rebecca is bored with her own uneventful life as well. Unfortunately, their meetings seem to remain all business. As they find the bravery and resolve to allow life to push them along, the question soon becomes - will it push them together or apart?

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Tags: rainbow awards 2017

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