elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

2017 Rainbow Awards Honorable Mention: Blood Borne (The Republic #3) Archer Kay Leah

1)  I liked reading this one seeing as I’ve not long finished #2 in the series… they are are pretty good read. And this is an author I’ve never heard of before, but I will be keeping my eye on for more from them.

Blood Borne (The Republic #3) Archer Kay Leah
Transgender - Fantasy
Series: The Republic
Paperback: 400 pages
Publisher: Less Than Three Press (July 2, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1684310725
ISBN-13: 978-1684310722
Amazon: Blood Borne (The Republic #3) Archer Kay Leah

For Ress, survival is a complicated nightmare. Caught between two masters on different sides of the law, his life is falling apart one bad decision at a time. All he wants is to be is a good person, a loyal family man, and a successful metalsmith—a dream he can never obtain while he works for the Shar-denn, the violent gang that plagues the republic of Kattal. To make matters worse, he works as an informant for the High Council. He scrapes through both jobs waiting for his last breath. As the Shar-denn motto says: the only way out is dead. No stranger to living complicated decisions, Adren is caught between worlds of cir own. As the child of a Shar-denn faction boss, cir life is a conflicted tangle of expectation and duty. When cir family is arrested, Adren manages to escape, but nowhere is safe. Desperate and on the run, Adren is determined to punish Ress for turning in cir family. No one who betrays the gang can live. Ress must pay the price, even if Adren has to go against everything ce is.

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Tags: #2, #3, rainbow awards 2017

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