elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

2017 Rainbow Awards Submission: The Impasse Franci McMahon

The Impasse Franci McMahon
Lesbian - Romantic Suspence
Publisher: Bold Strokes Books (February 14, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1626397813
ISBN-13: 978-1626397811
Amazon: The Impasse Franci McMahon

After a year of mourning, Montana rancher Miles feels stagnated. When Karen, an outdoor adventures leader, turns up at Miles's ranch in the bone-chilling winter with a proposition for her to lead an all-woman group into the Montana wilderness, Miles snaps it up like a rare steak. Her body comes awake at the sight of Stormy, the horse wrangler sent by the stock supplier to assist her, but Rachel, one of the guests, reaches into her heart with the warmth of a freshly baked pie. The pack trip leads them deep into an isolated area, where cell phones are useless, and the trip morphs into an excursion with a deadly obstacle. The eight guests, the two outfitters, the trip organizer, and Miles must bring their singular wits to bear to surmount an impasse of not granite but men.

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Tags: rainbow awards 2017

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