elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

2017 Rainbow Awards Submission: Anna Larner Highland Fling

Anna Larner Highland Fling
Lesbian - Contemporary Romance
Paperback: 240 pages
Publisher: Bold Strokes Books (April 18, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1626398534
ISBN-13: 978-1626398535
Amazon: Anna Larner Highland Fling

Eve Eddison describes her ideal woman to her best friend, Roxanne, over pints in their local pub a few days before she travels to the Scottish Highlands. There she falls head over heels for an enigmatic local, Moira Burns, and the usually reticent Eve wants more than a holiday romance. Forestry officer Moira Burns has no intention of letting go—either of past pain or for present pleasure. If that means she misses out on her chance at happiness, so be it. Convinced Eve is headed for heartbreak, Roxanne advises her to let Moira go…but has Eve found her ideal woman at last?

From the breathtaking Highlands of Scotland to the buzz of a Leicester gay bar, family and friendship are tested to breaking point, as letting go proves painfully hard.

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Tags: rainbow awards 2017

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