1) The author's ability to describe a sci-fi future made me believe that space flight was possible and in fact a reality. The various alien races were described in such a way as to be believable, while the technology was ingenious and creative.
The main character's ability to morph between female and male genders depending upon external stimuli, while normally sitting comfortably in a genderless state made me question what gender was, and how we fit into our assumed roles. This aspect was brilliantly portrayed by the author!
2) This sc-fi novel is spell-binding in its inventiveness and originality. Featuring third-gender, sexually fluid humans as the main characters along with an assortment of alien species as friends and foes keeps the plot moving swiftly to a dynamic conclusion. Dali is a unique character that I found fascinating. Great world and character building. An extremely satisfying read.
3) This is a phenomenal book with an intriguing approach to gender. The writing is sharp, effective, and suspenseful. The political and social conditions of the future are rich, detailed, and convincing.
4) This is a deep, complex, multi-faceted bit of edge science fiction that does some fantastic things with gender and sexuality. The story itself starts out edgy and dark, and goes even deeper, but Dali is a strong enough character to hold it all together.
Bisexual - Sci-Fi / Futuristic
Publisher: Ninestar Press, LLC (August 7, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1947139584
ISBN-13: 978-1947139589
Amazon: E.M. Hamill Dalí
Dalí Tamareia has everything--a young family and a promising career as an Ambassador in the Sol Fed Diplomatic Corps. Dalí's path as a peacemaker seems clear, but when their loved ones are killed in a terrorist attack, grief sends the genderfluid changeling into a spiral of self-destruction.
Fragile Sol Fed balances on the brink of war with a plundering alien race. Their skills with galactic relations are desperately needed to broker a protective alliance, but in mourning, Dalí no longer cares, seeking oblivion at the bottom of a bottle, in the arms of a faceless lover, or at the end of a knife.
The New Puritan Movement is rising to power within the government, preaching strict genetic counseling and galactic isolation to ensure survival of the endangered human race. Third gender citizens like Dalí don't fit the mold of this perfect plan, and the NPM will stop at nothing to make their vision become reality. When Dalí stumbles into a plot threatening changelings like them, a shadow organization called the Penumbra recruits them for a rescue mission full of danger, sex, and intrigue, giving Dalí purpose again.
Risky liaisons with a sexy, charismatic pirate lord could be Dalí's undoing--and the only way to prevent another deadly act of domestic terrorism.
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