elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

2017 Rainbow Awards Honorable Mention: Eli Easton Falling Down

1) Wow, what a great book! Smoothly flowing, seemingly effortless narrative, strong characters, subtle symbolism, a dark topic handled well and with respect for the characters, all wrapped up in excellent writing. Despite the heavy topic(s), it was a joy to read, and I can't give higher praise than that.
2) I loved the setting and character development in this story.

Eli Easton Falling Down
Gay - Contemporary Romance
File Size: 839 KB
Print Length: 251 pages
Publisher: Pinkerton Road LLC (November 7, 2016)
Publication Date: November 7, 2016
Amazon: Eli Easton Falling Down

Josh finds himself homeless at eighteen, but he has a plan. He’ll head north on the bus to New England and spend October there for his mother’s sake. She always talked about going to see the fall leaves someday. And when the leaves are done and the harsh winter comes, Josh plans to find a place to curl up and let go. It will be a relief to finally stop fighting.

Mark spent his life trying to live up to the tough swagger of his older brothers until he pushed himself so far against his nature that he cracked. Now a former Marine, he rents a little cabin in the White Mountains of New Hampshire where he can lick his wounds and figure out what to do with the rest of his life. One thing was clear: Mark was nobody’s hero.

Fate intervenes when Josh sets up camp under a covered bridge near Mark’s cabin. Mark recognizes the dead look in the young stranger’s eyes, and he feels compelled to do something about it. When Mark offers Josh a job, he never expects that he’ll be the one to fall.

The snow is coming soon. Can Mark convince Josh that the two of them can build a life together before the flurries begin?

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Tags: rainbow awards 2017

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