Timeline & Places:
December 5, 1913: born.
1930 to 1987: lived at Little Windovers, Balsall Heath, Birmingham B12 9NU, Regno Unito, sharing with Montague Glover.
1987: died.
Queer Places, Vol. 2.2: Retracing the Steps of LGBTQ people around the World
ISBN-13: 978-1544067568 (CreateSpace-Assigned)
ISBN-10: 1544067569
CreateSpace eStore: https://www.createspace.com/6980566
Amazon print: http://www.amazon.com/dp/1544067569/?tag=elimyrevandra-20
Amazon kindle: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B01IZ1KZBO/?tag=elimyrevandra-20
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