elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

2017 Rainbow Awards Best Bisexual Fantasy Romance

 And the Rainbow Award goes to...


1) Undaunted Devin Harnois
Bisexual - Fantasy Romance
File Size: 4095 KB
Print Length: 263 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: October Night Publishing (January 23, 2017)
Publication Date: January 23, 2017
Amazon: Undaunted Devin Harnois

1) The world building in this book was phenomenal. I was blown away and did not expect so much attention to detail. The main characters were well rounded and developed. I cared about both the plot and the characters, so this book was an all around win!
2) Solid character and alternative world building make this imaginative story of warring vampires and werewolves an instant page turner.
3) Wonderfully written story of vampires and werewolves, told with a definitive style that does not descend into mushy monster madness. Bravo!

Runner Up:

2) The Sorcerer's Guardian (Chronicles of Tournai #4) by Antonia Aquilante


3) Four (The Republic #2) by Archer Kay Leah
4) Sparkwood by Daria Defore

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Tags: #2, #4, rainbow awards 2017

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