elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

Rainbow Awards Honorable Mention: Caledonia Destiny by Lexi Ander

Caledonia Destiny (Blessed Bane Book 1)

Caledonia Destiny hooked me from page one. I did have an inkling of how things would transpire, but the author twisted the end in such a unique way, I was still surprised at the resolution. The setting was very well balanced, enough description to ground the reader without going overboard. There were a few places where character remarks clouded the setting, but they were few and my mind readily dismissed them. The characters’ depth and growth was masterfully handled. The emotions and reactions felt real, when a book brings me to tears, the loss of Roi, I know I’ve connected to well developed characters. The style is probably my favorite part of the book. I’ve read others that use period spelling, but only in speech. The choice to do so, to research not only changes in spelling but in terminology, was what truly pulled me into Ewen and Roi’s world. The writing style immersed me in this world, compelled me to remain. In summary, this was an excellently composed story, one that draws a reader in so completely that they must blink to remember where they really are.

"All the beautiful writing I expect from a Lexi Ander book with worldbuilding skills on par with my favorite fantasy romances. The blend of history, magic, action and romance is wonderfully compelling. Really enjoyable to read."

A twist of fate changed both their destinies.

The wyrbears, once a long-lived species, were being lost to the forest in their prime. A people borne of a curse, their abilities not a gift but something wrongly taken, they nonetheless live in harmony with their animal spirits. But over time the curse they lived under changed, mutated, and now what once was a refuge from the world when they became too weary is culling mathan in their prime.

Ewen mhic Friscalach, the leader of his peoples, lost his father too early and is now a widower with four children. The vow he made as a youth to break the curse afflicting wyrbears has been buried by grief and responsibility.

Roi mhic Alric, a priest of Cerridwen and seer, watched his fellow priests slaughtered and his temple desecrated. The only thing that kept him going the last three horror-filled years was the vision Cerridwen had granted him of his emancipation. If freedom came at the cost of his life, well, he was more than ready for the Otherworld.

A fated meeting upon a bloody field of battle. A wrong done long ago. Their choices could save a people… or send them into extinction. Either way, their love will be legend.

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Tags: rainbow awards 2018-2019

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