elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

Rainbow Awards Honorable Mention: Heart of Sherwood by Edale Lane

Heart of Sherwood

"This fantastic, powerful, and awesome tale was a unexpectedly unconventional and unique twist on the classic Robin Hood stories."

"This book was a fun take on an old classic. It was loooong though (hahaha). I liked the way this author gave a twist to the story and the romance was sweet. It had a good flow and great world building."

What if there had been a real Robin Hood, but instead of being a "he" the heroic outlaw was a "she"? Relive the classic tale told from a new prospective in Heart of Sherwood!When Robyn's father and brother are killed in the Third Crusade, she is banished from her manor home and branded a traitor by the Sheriff of Nottingham. Disguised as a boy, she joins Little John and the rest of the gang in Sherwood Forest—and soon finds herself their leader.Queen Eleanor suspects Prince John is up to no good, and colluding with Sir Guy and the Sheriff of Nottingham. To learn more, she engages Maid Marian as a spy—and unwittingly reunites Marian with her old childhood friend, Robyn. Together, the women help the queen acquire the funds needed to free King Richard and help Nottinghamshire—and perhaps fall in love along the way.

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Tags: rainbow awards 2018-2019

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