elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

Rainbow Awards Honorable Mention: Prelude: The Gaining of Shamanic Wisdom by Widdershins

Prelude: The Gaining of Shamanic Wisdom

"I've read a few books about people undergoing spiritual journeys but what I liked about this one is the author allowed herself to show emotions that are considered negative, such as anger, as part of her journeys. To me, that made the experiences feel more real. Quite enjoyed it."

Shamans come in all shapes and sizes, from all walks of life, from all the continents of the Earth. We've been around since the human race realized there was more to existence than just the physical, and we'll be around long after the last star has died, when the Wheel turns to renew All.
Becoming a Shaman is not for the faint-of-heart, or the timid-of Spirit. It is not an easy Path, nor should it be. The responsibilities are great and require harsh testing before one is judged capable of shouldering them.
There are many Pathways to becoming a Shaman, and I came to understand mine through my Earth-based, Goddess Spirituality, She who is the First Mother of Us All, in all Her forms.
'Prelude' is the story of my very first steps along that Path. It is part memoir, part Shamanic adventure, and part guidebook, with a dash of dire warning on the side.
From the moment I came across a giant statue of Bast, I knew my life would never be the same. There were times I froze, bled, burned, raged, and cried. My life, my past, the shadows, and the shining moments, all the things I believed defined me, were challenged, until nothing but a truth, my Truth, remained.
Join me as I confront my monsters, discover my true Name, and come to understand that the Physical world I grew up with was just a tiny corner of a much vaster Cosmos.

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Tags: rainbow awards 2018-2019

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