"I am an avid fan of time travel stories and this one didn't disappoint. I'm so glad to have read this wonderful story where one young man goes back in time and saves the lives of so many people proclaimed as witches. It was quite entertaining and it kept me wanting to read more, especially at the end of the story! Why, oh, why did it have to end! I really hope Ms. Tanya will write more stories like this."
"While almost always a lighthearted read, Predestination Unknown tackles a lot of serious subjects, yet never loses sight of the fact it's a love story. I really enjoyed getting to know Luther and Ezekiel. Their romance is super sweet and I loved the way things worked out for them. The author manages to wrap up the plot satisfactorily while giving both characters what they want, almost without compromise. A challenge well met."
"A clever premise and attention to historical detail help build a time-travel romance with urgency and purpose. A fun, fast read that puts a new spin on Puritans, Salem, and the witch trials."
Luther is almost enjoying a rainy day in Salem, Massachusetts on All Hallow’s Eve when his pursuit of a light-haired, light-skinned guy in a Pilgrim costume sends him crashing back in time to Salem 1692 and the start of the Salem witchcraft trials.
Ezekiel was only going about his chores when a gay, bi-racial man from the future dropped into his life. He doesn’t know Luther is from 2017, not from Boston. He doesn’t know that it’s OK to feel about a man the way he’s coming to feel about Luther. And he has no idea that the wealthy men running Salem are about to hang twenty people for the trumped-up crime of witchcraft.
Ezekiel has a lot to learn, both in bed and out, and he’s going to have to get up to speed fast if he and Luther are going to prevent a Colonial American tragedy, one that has already kind of happened. Is our future predestined? Or can Luther and Ezekiel change the course of their country for the better?
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