elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

Rainbow Awards Honorable Mention: Smoke Signals by Meredith Katz

Smoke Signals

"This totally charming and captivating take on St. George and the Dragon stole my heart from the outset. Enchanting!"

"My only complaint about Smoke Signals is that I want more. I want to know more about the world that Katz created where dragons and humans exist together, of which we only got a narrow, tantalizing glimpse with Mike and Zali'thurg's enchanting tale. Smoke Signals set off a chain reaction of "what ifs" for me, and I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm seriously considering some fanfiction... "

Mike St. George's average life as tech support for a game distribution company becomes unexpectedly eventful when he's sent to the home of an aristocratic, self-centered dragon and left in charge of installing and protecting the digital side of the dragon's hoard of games.

But a job's a job. And while the blue-blooded Zali'thurg might be egotistical and prideful, Mike's wrangled worse customers. At least this one's pretty cute, even if it's in an apex predator sort of way…

An M/M urban fantasy romance. Classes and personalities clash when a customer service agent ends up helping a sexy billionaire shapeshifting dragon. Geeky, cute, and featuring kittens, knitting, and learning to navigate boundaries.

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Tags: rainbow awards 2018-2019

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