elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

2020-2021 Rainbow Awards Honorable Mention: The Walls Between Hearts

The Walls Between Hearts (A Las Palmas Fencing Club Story) by L.A. Witt

One of the things I enjoyed most about this story is to see the MCs be in my age group. The writing, as usual from this author, is supreme. The tale was quite enjoyable and about a sport that is not commonly heard of. I appreciated the idea of the MCs not jumping into 'Love' from the get-go, which so many books contain. The attraction they felt, the doubt or confirmation of them thinking they are too old, or that they've suffered enough throughout their lifetime to engage in yet another romance was engaging. Wanting to protect their hearts from the pain of losing the other is quite understandable. I can assimilate myself with their POV. At my age, I, too, am not looking for love. Well done Witt.


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Tags: rainbow awards 2021

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