elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

2020-2021 Rainbow Awards Honorable Mention: By Imperial Decree (ESTO Universe)

By Imperial Decree (ESTO Universe) by Angel Martinez

This is the kind of trans representation I would love to see in queer storytelling. Shiro is running away from his suitors and ends up on Bremen station where he is rescued by Marsh. The romance between them ignites in diversity, but there is more to their story. The trans representation is well-done and just one facet of a much bigger story. The world-building is fantastic, and it is wonderful to see the community-based culture that Marsh grew up in. The secondary characters lift the story of the main characters and add to the overall development of the story. This is one story in part of Martinez's ESTO universe, where each story is stand alone, but for the readers who have read the other stories, there are easter eggs and appearances from other stories. It's a rich universe that I enjoy thoroughly.


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Tags: rainbow awards 2021

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