elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

2020-2021 Rainbow Awards: Gay Alternative Universe/Reality

 And the Rainbow Award goes to:

TAD by M.D. Neu:

- This was a wonderful story! I thoroughly enjoyed reading about the angel of death and the drag queen/hairstylist's lives, especially when it covers an entire life span (get tissues, you'll need them). Although it covers some very tragic events in real life, they were portrayed with care. We have TAD, the angel of death, wanting to diminish the amount of death in catastrophic events which cost him his wings and to be sent to live life on Earth as punishment. Then we have Doug, who cares so much about humanity that when he meets TAD he can't pass by without giving the smelly, dishevelled man a hand, thinking him a homeless man, which he was at the time. Bringing TAD to the salon to give him a makeover, Doug then brings him home where TAD spends years watching Doug ruin his life with alcohol and drugs. This friendship continues throughout the decades until Doug's final days. What a beautiful tale this was. I thoroughly enjoyed this well written story. This is also my first MD Neu book and I'm looking forward to reading others from this author.
- Drag queen befriends the Angel of Death. What a great premise! I loved this, particularly the relationship between Doug and Tad and the way it developed. 

Runner Up:
Duking It Out by E.J. Russell

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Tags: rainbow awards 2021

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